Yeah, you tell those body builders how to lift!
[quote]browndisaster wrote:
[quote]Brian14 wrote:
[quote]browndisaster wrote:
5x10 squats, bench, and military will not make you look like a bodybuilder ever[/quote]
Those are the only exercises I do (along with deads,pull ups, and rows) and I look like how I do in my avatar.
I don’t think we should ever bash bodybuilders, they have different goals than we do and they still manage to be pretty damn strong most of the time. Also, I think everyone that commented in that thread agreed that he needed to get stronger.[/quote]
damn, you look great dude
and I agree, I see bodybuilders doing a lot of heavy lifting and powerlifters doing a lot of hypertrophy work, the two are only mutually exclusive online[/quote]
Exactly. Just like the myth about the bodybuilder with no strength and all powerlifters being fat.
[quote]T3hPwnisher wrote:
[quote]casperthegst wrote:
[quote]T3hPwnisher wrote:
[quote]casperthegst wrote:
Bodybuilders should be bashed. They train to appear to look better than other men by being judged by other men. The style and rep ranges they train in can be beneficial to someone who trains for strength however.[/quote]
You have accomplished nothing in terms either strength or physique. You are in no position to judge anyone.[/quote]
I’m in a position to judge whoever or whatever I want and voice my opinion about on this forum…you should try thinking before you pop off…I don’t fully blame you I understand it is a cultural thing [/quote]
You seem dumb so I will type this slowly for you.
No one cares about your opinion on matters of strength or size because you are weak and small.
A blanket statement. You do not know me from Adam.
[quote]casperthegst wrote:
[quote]T3hPwnisher wrote:
[quote]casperthegst wrote:
[quote]T3hPwnisher wrote:
[quote]casperthegst wrote:
Bodybuilders should be bashed. They train to appear to look better than other men by being judged by other men. The style and rep ranges they train in can be beneficial to someone who trains for strength however.[/quote]
You have accomplished nothing in terms either strength or physique. You are in no position to judge anyone.[/quote]
I’m in a position to judge whoever or whatever I want and voice my opinion about on this forum…you should try thinking before you pop off…I don’t fully blame you I understand it is a cultural thing [/quote]
You seem dumb so I will type this slowly for you.
No one cares about your opinion on matters of strength or size because you are weak and small.
A blanket statement. You do not know me from Adam.[/quote]
I have seen the numbers you have posted to know that you are not strong, and I know you are also small.
Your opinion is not relevant, nor is it warranted. Spend more time training and less time posting, and one day someone might care about your thoughts on bodybuilders.
[quote]T3hPwnisher wrote:
[quote]casperthegst wrote:
[quote]T3hPwnisher wrote:
[quote]casperthegst wrote:
[quote]T3hPwnisher wrote:
[quote]casperthegst wrote:
Bodybuilders should be bashed. They train to appear to look better than other men by being judged by other men. The style and rep ranges they train in can be beneficial to someone who trains for strength however.[/quote]
You have accomplished nothing in terms either strength or physique. You are in no position to judge anyone.[/quote]
I’m in a position to judge whoever or whatever I want and voice my opinion about on this forum…you should try thinking before you pop off…I don’t fully blame you I understand it is a cultural thing [/quote]
You seem dumb so I will type this slowly for you.
No one cares about your opinion on matters of strength or size because you are weak and small.
A blanket statement. You do not know me from Adam.[/quote]
I have seen the numbers you have posted to know that you are not strong, and I know you are also small.
Your opinion is not relevant, nor is it warranted. Spend more time training and less time posting, and one day someone might care about your thoughts on bodybuilders. [/quote]
I will do whatever the fck I want to do with my time. You do not necessarily have to agree but that is my opinion on the matter.
[quote]casperthegst wrote:
[quote]T3hPwnisher wrote:
[quote]casperthegst wrote:
[quote]T3hPwnisher wrote:
[quote]casperthegst wrote:
[quote]T3hPwnisher wrote:
[quote]casperthegst wrote:
Bodybuilders should be bashed. They train to appear to look better than other men by being judged by other men. The style and rep ranges they train in can be beneficial to someone who trains for strength however.[/quote]
You have accomplished nothing in terms either strength or physique. You are in no position to judge anyone.[/quote]
I’m in a position to judge whoever or whatever I want and voice my opinion about on this forum…you should try thinking before you pop off…I don’t fully blame you I understand it is a cultural thing [/quote]
You seem dumb so I will type this slowly for you.
No one cares about your opinion on matters of strength or size because you are weak and small.
A blanket statement. You do not know me from Adam.[/quote]
I have seen the numbers you have posted to know that you are not strong, and I know you are also small.
Your opinion is not relevant, nor is it warranted. Spend more time training and less time posting, and one day someone might care about your thoughts on bodybuilders. [/quote]
I will do whatever the fck I want to do with my time. You do not necessarily have to agree but that is my opinion on the matter. [/quote]
Once again, I will try to use small words.
No one cares what you think.
[quote]T3hPwnisher wrote:
[quote]casperthegst wrote:
[quote]T3hPwnisher wrote:
[quote]casperthegst wrote:
[quote]T3hPwnisher wrote:
[quote]casperthegst wrote:
[quote]T3hPwnisher wrote:
[quote]casperthegst wrote:
Bodybuilders should be bashed. They train to appear to look better than other men by being judged by other men. The style and rep ranges they train in can be beneficial to someone who trains for strength however.[/quote]
Once again a blanket statement with no base. Probably best for you to stfu already.
You have accomplished nothing in terms either strength or physique. You are in no position to judge anyone.[/quote]
I’m in a position to judge whoever or whatever I want and voice my opinion about on this forum…you should try thinking before you pop off…I don’t fully blame you I understand it is a cultural thing [/quote]
You seem dumb so I will type this slowly for you.
No one cares about your opinion on matters of strength or size because you are weak and small.
A blanket statement. You do not know me from Adam.[/quote]
I have seen the numbers you have posted to know that you are not strong, and I know you are also small.
Your opinion is not relevant, nor is it warranted. Spend more time training and less time posting, and one day someone might care about your thoughts on bodybuilders. [/quote]
I will do whatever the fck I want to do with my time. You do not necessarily have to agree but that is my opinion on the matter. [/quote]
Once again, I will try to use small words.
No one cares what you think.
i luff this thread
Lol seriously… no…one…cares… your opinion espeacially in this thread has lost all chance of being taken even half seriously and now 99% of all your future posts as well will be ignored and over looked because you now appear as a ignorant, immature, and under experienced ass hole…
Before you even waste time trying to hurt my feelings with your big Guy internet talk I will save you time and just go fuck my self now:-)
[quote]Reed wrote:
Lol seriously… no…one…cares… your opinion espeacially in this thread has lost all chance of being taken even half seriously and now 99% of all your future posts as well will be ignored and over looked because you now appear as a ignorant, immature, and under experienced ass hole…
Before you even waste time trying to hurt my feelings with your big Guy internet talk I will save you time and just go fuck my self now:-)[/quote]
I am amazed at your ability to see the future. I am equally amazed at the blanket statements made by you two in this thread perhaps you should think about fcking pwnisher before you go off doing it to yourself.
[quote]casperthegst wrote:
[quote]Reed wrote:
Lol seriously… no…one…cares… your opinion espeacially in this thread has lost all chance of being taken even half seriously and now 99% of all your future posts as well will be ignored and over looked because you now appear as a ignorant, immature, and under experienced ass hole…
Before you even waste time trying to hurt my feelings with your big Guy internet talk I will save you time and just go fuck my self now:-)[/quote]
I am amazed at your ability to see the future. I am equally amazed at the blanket statements made by you two in this thread perhaps you should think about fcking pwnisher before you go off doing it to yourself. :-)[/quote]
I agree with Reed and pwnisher. So, either all the guys in this thread who think you’re an idiot are gay together, or maybe, just maybe, you’re actually an idiot.
Yea I guess if you didn’t know before you know now Casper, you are entering troll status. You constantly ask programming questions then advise people to change the scheme of the programs they are using, essentially not making it said program anymore. Then when questioned its somehow always “a blanket statement.”
Reality is your numbers show that you really do have no business telling people how they should set up their workouts. Leave the programming advice to the professionals and work on your own. I say this not to be mean but as to save you before you go full troll. I this intervention has helped.
[quote]scottkoscielniak wrote:
Yea I guess if you didn’t know before you know now Casper, you are entering troll status. You constantly ask programming questions then advise people to change the scheme of the programs they are using, essentially not making it said program anymore. Then when questioned its somehow always “a blanket statement.”
Reality is your numbers show that you really do have no business telling people how they should set up their workouts. Leave the programming advice to the professionals and work on your own. I say this not to be mean but as to save you before you go full troll. I this intervention has helped.[/quote]
Yea a troll according to you I accept that status with honor indeed. Yes it is true I have asked about proramming before and found the answers to these questions thanks to useful people answering them. I have learned much about programming in my time involved with strength training. The statement that “no one cares what you think” is indeed a blanket statement.
Reality is my numbers are irrelevent to my knowledge of programming. I can tell whoever I well please what my opinions are it is their choice if they choose to listen Or not. I say this not to be mean but rather to bring you a greater understanding of my position.
Yeah fuck bodybuilders
And power lifters, cross fitters, cardio bunnies, strongmen, people who don’t lift, fitness models, olympic lifters, and people who lift for sports.
[quote]casperthegst wrote:
[quote]scottkoscielniak wrote:
Yea I guess if you didn’t know before you know now Casper, you are entering troll status. You constantly ask programming questions then advise people to change the scheme of the programs they are using, essentially not making it said program anymore. Then when questioned its somehow always “a blanket statement.”
Reality is your numbers show that you really do have no business telling people how they should set up their workouts. Leave the programming advice to the professionals and work on your own. I say this not to be mean but as to save you before you go full troll. I this intervention has helped.[/quote]
Yea a troll according to you I accept that status with honor indeed. Yes it is true I have asked about proramming before and found the answers to these questions thanks to useful people answering them. I have learned much about programming in my time involved with strength training. The statement that “no one cares what you think” is indeed a blanket statement.
Reality is my numbers are irrelevent to my knowledge of programming. I can tell whoever I well please what my opinions are it is their choice if they choose to listen Or not. I say this not to be mean but rather to bring you a greater understanding of my position.
I do understand your position. You have not achieved anything however give advice like you have. A 1000 total tells me that you cant even program your own workouts, much less give others advice. I understand that you want to seem like you are some sort of “guru.” You are not. And then you feed this to others who dont know any better.
example: explain how this is 5/3/1
65% x 5
75% x 5
85% x 5 +
85% x 5
75% x 5
65% x 5 +
Actually explain the principals that make this gem work. This was your advise to spice up 5/3/1, an already good program which is I am sure the reason you did not do well on it.
So what do you do week 2 95%x1 for 3 sets
Is this a combo of max effort, followed by repetition method twice followed by 5x5?
[quote]scottkoscielniak wrote:
[quote]casperthegst wrote:
[quote]scottkoscielniak wrote:
Yea I guess if you didn’t know before you know now Casper, you are entering troll status. You constantly ask programming questions then advise people to change the scheme of the programs they are using, essentially not making it said program anymore. Then when questioned its somehow always “a blanket statement.”
Reality is your numbers show that you really do have no business telling people how they should set up their workouts. Leave the programming advice to the professionals and work on your own. I say this not to be mean but as to save you before you go full troll. I this intervention has helped.[/quote]
Yea a troll according to you I accept that status with honor indeed. Yes it is true I have asked about proramming before and found the answers to these questions thanks to useful people answering them. I have learned much about programming in my time involved with strength training. The statement that “no one cares what you think” is indeed a blanket statement.
Reality is my numbers are irrelevent to my knowledge of programming. I can tell whoever I well please what my opinions are it is their choice if they choose to listen Or not. I say this not to be mean but rather to bring you a greater understanding of my position.
I do understand your position. You have not achieved anything however give advice like you have. A 1000 total tells me that you cant even program your own workouts, much less give others advice. I understand that you want to seem like you are some sort of “guru.” You are not. And then you feed this to others who dont know any better.
example: explain how this is 5/3/1
65% x 5
75% x 5
85% x 5 +
85% x 5
75% x 5
65% x 5 +
Actually explain the principals that make this gem work. This was your advise to spice up 5/3/1, an already good program which is I am sure the reason you did not do well on it.
So what do you do week 2 95%x1 for 3 sets
Is this a combo of max effort, followed by repetition method twice followed by 5x5?
I do not feel like looking up the posts on this however I believe I have made clear my opinion about this particular setup. In fact I have a 1115 total and once again my numbers are irrevelavant. People that are not all that strong have given me some of the best advice I have ever had. I only wish to use my time to help out others who have questions. If you do not agree with my philosophies then I would politely tell you to fck off.
Or this gem you told someone to do
65% x 5
75% x 5
85% x 5 +
90% x 1
90% x 1
90% x 1
85% x 5
75% x 5
65% x 5 +
This is another 5/3/1 spin off, even though its not even close. Do you use linear progression for the next 2 weeks?
So you are supposed to do as many reps as possible at 85% and then do 3 singles at 90%
how the hell is that possible.
science does not agree with your philosophy