[quote]Carlitosway wrote:
Arms McBig wrote:
Let me preface this by saying that I am not a big guy by any means. But I see on other forums, even this one at times, that starting strength is considering the ultimate program. Yet it in no way resembles a bodybuilding program. Everyone is convinced that squatting 3x a week is the way to go.
Everyone is told they need to “get their strength up” before they can do a bb routine. I’ve heard “experts” say you need to get to arbitrary numbers before you can work certain bodyparts, like having to DL 500 lbs before you can do shrugs or curls.
I even went to the Stronglifts 5x5 FAQ. The program includes on direct arm, trap, or calf work. I lost it when they claimed that the biceps get worked from “squeezing the bar hard on squats and deads.”
Personally I feel so dumb for not seeing the logic behind people claiming working a bodypart would make it smaller and weaker, and having some sort of feeling of superiority just because I did squats.
Why is this?
Let’s just put it this way. If I could go back to when I stepped into a gym weighing a buck 26. I would have sat my ass down and told me not to fuck around with full body this and that. Would have done a 3 way split instead and would have incorporated machines when I could.
So I pretty much wasted my first year, or you could call it a learning experience lol. Except I ate like an animal though thankfully and got some good out of it. Even if it wasn’t huge gains.
I’m no ripping on Rippetoe, he is awesome in his field which is wait for it strength and conditioning. Not bodybuilding! This line alone would have knocked some sense into me…maybe. Then I came here and got bombarded with CW TBT. Got sucked into that…fuck me.
Then I finally started talking more and more to the bigger guys. They were all of course using splits be it upper/lower or conventional BB splits!! [/quote]
Agreed. I was a sickly 5’8 110 lbs last september, and now I’m a slightly less sickly 5’9 145.
It frustrates me that I still have a while to go before I get the lean, muscular, “he must work out” look. I made some progress doing rippletoadz for the first few months and neglected my arms, and I then I realized that no one was stopping me from doing arm work, so I switched to a more basic (but somewhat unconventional) split and made good gains.
I’m going to start another split soon, actually having a day for arms, and being able to eat enough to make gains.