Okay, I’m new to training and have been doing so since February 2008. I went from 155lbs to 182 with shorts and shoes on. So I might be at 175lbs now.
I’ve been doing 3x5 for the first 2 months and then switched to 5x5 until I reach 1.5 my body weight on the squatt, then I will go to the phase two 5x5 method.
I’m hoping by February 2009 I will be able to get off 5x5 and begin a 4 month hypertrophy program of my own design.
What exactly is involved in maintaining your muscle weight and bf%?
If I suddenly decide to join a sport or start some cardio/calisthenic work do I simply eat equal calories than I burned off or something?
5x5 recommends staying on it until you squat 1-1.5x your body weight. I would have to squat 265lbs before I can move on. I should be squatting 245lbs tomorrow (235lbs currently).
After that I was going to change my program, any advice?
Do have a goal other than just executing programs written by other people? In general, I think it would be wiser to let your rate of progress dictate when to change gears, and not when you reach a magic number, unless you have very specific goals. How long have you been at 235?