Big Mama McCracken

I hope no one minds if I start my little journal/log over here. Having a place where people can read it keeps me going. If a random thread of mine pops up over here I am sorry. I had one on Figure athlete that was being moved over here but disappeared into the depths of hell. I am like a square peg fitting into a round hole. I don’t fit in anywhere. The women here are super super strong and the girls over there are model beautiful!

On to the good stuff now! (Warning in advance I am a little bit of a dork)

I have been doing the Shut Up! program with my husband for 3 months or so now. It has started to evolve into something else. We have been changing it up and adding excersises as we go. I am ready for a new program or to switch this one up.

A little about me now… I am 5’0" and 94 pounds. I had a baby 9 months ago(my tummy is still looks funny from it!) I have a really hard time putting weight on, which is frustrating. Normally I eat close to 3,000 cals, somedays I fall short but thats about normal. I breastfeed so I automatically burn 300-500 cals.

Now for my weights:

Deadlift: 105lbs
Back Squat: 135lbs
Bent over row: 65lbs
Leg press: 180lbs
Bench press: 75lbs
DB hammers: 25lbs
Skull crushers: 30lbs
bar curls: 30lbs
Military press: 45lbs(it was higher don’t know what happen)
DB incline press: 30lbs
Close grip bench: 60lbs

I can’t remember then all… so sad. I generally go to the gym Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. I will keep up with all the weights and such!!

In the beginning… This was just a few months post baby

still from the beginning. I want to say March

This picture is the latest. I think it was August 19th.

Don’t laugh… I make weird faces and I didn’t realize how see threw my top was so I black it out like a nerd!

here is a closer front one.

Welcome. I’m sure you’ll get a lot of help here and will fit in just fine. Don’t worry if you don’t feel especially strong. You have a better start than I did.

I found posting my log here kept me honest and made me see patterns in what was and wasn’t working for me.


Welcome to the powerful women forums, you really look great

[quote]ouroboro_s wrote:
Welcome. I’m sure you’ll get a lot of help here and will fit in just fine. Don’t worry if you don’t feel especially strong. You have a better start than I did.

I found posting my log here kept me honest and made me see patterns in what was and wasn’t working for me.


Thank you very much! You are amazing. My husband sent me your log a while ago to read. You are really amazing! It gives me a lot of motivation.

[quote]myjennycdb wrote:
Welcome to the powerful women forums, you really look great[/quote]

Thank you very much!

Last night went pretty good. I took some fuzion with BCAAs before I went. I was starting to drag towards the end of the day. It helped and thank goodness I did. The air at the gym was broken and blowing hot dry air… joy for the desert.

we did 3X10… holy cow

bench: 65lbs
DB incline press: 25lbs
Cable Cross overs: 30lbs
dips: 5, 7, 6.
DB hammers: 15lbs
*normally I do 25 or 30, some poor little guy does the same amount and struggles so bad.
Bar curls: 20lbs
reverse curls: 10lbs

All my weights took a little nose dive after being sick… makes me grumpy, doesn’t help that they play JoJo and Justin Timberlake in there.

Tonight is legs! I can’t wait. Thats what needs the most work. My poor little calves. Devil Machine Hog woman comes in tonight too… grr… I want to whoop her. The scary prison guy is there tonight too.

Good news the devil didn’t appear today… Where she was I don’t know, just glad her and her attitude weren’t there!!
this week is 3X10 oh man is it ruff…

Squat: 135lbs
Leg press: 180lbs
laying leg curl: 40lbs
Standing Calf Raise: 70lbs

I could barely walk when I was done. Made me real pukey, all I could think is I still have to be able to pick the baby up… oh man.
I am real tired and will definitely be sore tomorrow. I wanted to go to the zoo too…

[quote]nrosaliem wrote:

All my weights took a little nose dive after being sick… makes me grumpy, doesn’t help that they play JoJo and Justin Timberlake in there.


It can’t be as bad as the day one of the trainers turned off the music that was playing (AC/DC, Metallica etc mix - my preferred PR type music) and put on Michael Jackson. I’m a mean lady and made him change it back :slight_smile:

Thanks by the way for the compliments on my log. It’s great that we can help each other out with information and inspiration. There are a number of people here that have assisted me in that way.

Who’s the devil woman? It sounds like a good story.

Oh the devil woman... She is an over weight ghetto girl that wears very tight pants. She is young and annoying. She uses about 4 machines at a time, which I have no problem with and I am glad she is working out. Its the fact that if anyone uses any of the machines she throws a huge fit. She gave my husband and I a bunch of devil looks. 

We just want to get in get done and go home. We have a little one and can’t be on some girls time. Devil woman always complains to these guys that work out there too thinking they will help her, never do though. All she has to do is ask if she can work in, thats all, but she never does.

She is just one ghetto chick that talks a lot of crap. She barely pushes any weight and waste time. She moved this big mean scary looking guy’s stuff Oh man he kept asking my husband and I who moved it. We let him know it was her. She threw another big old attitude and went running to her little buddies. She makes me made enough to want to hit her.

I do all my sets on one excerise at a time then move on. She makes my blood boil when I see her.
Maybe its because I have someone baby sitting I don’t know. She is a big joke between my husband and I now.

Today was my daughters first trip to the zoo! It was tons of fun. I am so sore and tired now though. All the walking around wore me out. She isn’t all that light either. We rode the little train from the zoo to the aquarium. It was a lot of fun.

I can’t wait until tomorrow!! Gym day!! I won some weird lazer hair removel thing from a box at the gym… I have some appointment tomorrow too. Really weird.

To was back and abs day. I didn’t think it was going to be that big of a deal, but I am still super sore from this weekend. I like it, the feeling of muscles being used.

we are still doing 3X10:
bent over row: 70lbs for 5 reps but 3 sets of 10 with 60lbs.
DB arm rows: 30lbs, I should have gone heavier…
Rear delt machine: 30lbs. This always hurts my shoulder and makes it pop.
Pull ups weren’t successful… we forgot about them until it was too late. I got about 10 and then I was done.
Hanging leg raises, 3 set of 10. on two of the sets my husband pushed my legs.

Today went alright. I got kind of sick towards the end. I didn’t eat too great this morning I made my weird yogurt, protein and oats thing. We didn’t have enough eggs and I let my hubby have them.

Yay i’m glad i caught the beginning of a journal… Well kind of the beginning!!!

I’m excited see!!! Your progress from having your baby girl is amazing already!

[quote]jchenky wrote:
Yay i’m glad i caught the beginning of a journal… Well kind of the beginning!!!

I’m excited see!!! Your progress from having your baby girl is amazing already![/quote]

Thank you! Its been a lot of hard work but worth it! I always get excited when I find newer or the beginning of journals too!

Today was shoulder and triceps… shoulders have to be one thing I somewhat dislike but that how I know I need to do it more.

I always wonder how other gyms are. My gym has a cast of some very interesting characters… I saw the biggest guy today. He was one massive man. There was also this older very skinny guy, who only ever works legs, swimming in the air. It was very odd, I couldn’t stop staring. I am just horrible, but it was so odd.


Military press: 40lbs
DB lateral raise: first two sets 10lbs
2 last sets 15lbs
lateral machine: 30lbs
Skull crushers: 20lbs for first two sets last set 30lbs
Close grip bench: 70lbs
tri-pull down: 30lbs
Shrugs: 35lbs 2 sets, 30lbs 2 sets.

I have put on 4 pounds. I am very excited! I have been eating like a pig lately. Making sure I have tons of snacks. I dug out two bowls of ice cream last night one for me, one for my husband and he snuck half of his serving into my bowl. Crazy guy.

We bought some mass gainer and some pro five. I have never tried pro five before so we got it. The lady suggested try some kre-alkaline. I am not too sure about it but thougt it would be worth a shot. My husband has heard people talk about it. I will see how it goes.

I agree with Jchenky- your progress so far is stellar hon! I look forward to seeing what you do to progress, especially since your body type and goals are so different than my own. It is fun to learn!

Also, that’s really awesome that you and your husband are both working on getting strong together- that has to be very motivating to see eachothers’ changes and be able to talk about T-Nation stuff at home and all. Very cool! Makes getting to those goals easier and more fun I’m sure.

Your kids are lucky; they’re sure to be Amazonian superkids! :wink: