[quote]Chris Colucci wrote:
[quote]GrizzlyBerg wrote:
I follow a single body part split.[/quote]
What does your week look like?
What does your arm day look like - the exercises, sets, and reps?
It might be a good idea to slightly drop the weight/increase the reps on most sets, and maybe re-examine the exercises you’re doing. If you have a lot of stretch position exercises (preacher curls, incline curls, facing-away cable curls, etc.), it could be aggravating things.
Also make sure you’re giving the triceps and wrist extensors enough love. Everything works together to keep the elbow area healthy.
Check these to see if you can pluck out some tips:
[quote]MarneSoldier wrote:
2. Start popping motrin, shoot for 800 mg this will help with the inflamtion.[/quote]
I’d go with fish oil a few times a day instead of Motrin, but the rest was pretty spot-on.[/quote]
Thanks for the response Chris. You always have helpful advice.
My week is Sun- Chest, Mon- Back, Tue- Legs, Wed- Rest, Thu- Arms, Fri- Shoulders, Sat- Rest. I am definitely getting enough rest between when I do back and when I do arms so I do not think that over working the muscle is an explanation.
As far as my arms day it tends to vary. I go pretty heavy on my triceps for 4 sets of 10 on about 4 or 5 exercises. Usually I do CGBP, Weighted Dips, Single Arm Pulldowns, and various Extensions. Believe me I give my triceps plenty of love. My triceps are probably the best muscle on my body. I was a pole vaulter so my triceps, shoulders, and back were super important. I am also part of the group of people who realize that big triceps means big arms (not the biceps like most think).
For Biceps I normally do lighter weight (relatively) for 4 sets of 12-15 reps. I normally do Seated (not incline) Curls, Standing Barbell Curls, Spider Curls, and Pinwheel Curls. Lately I have had to drop to only 3 sets.
I actually already take fish oil with my major 3 meals and take about 800-1000 mg of Ibuprofen and Glucosamine Chondroitin first thing in the morning.
Thanks for the articles I will definitely check them out.