i was wondering if anyone could help with any advice to help alleviate this pain. its a constant pain in almost all exercises but mainly with hammers or wide bb rows. its mainly in my lower bicep and feels like it lays under the bicep itself. not so much bicep pain but under it. no pain in the forearm tho.
i was wondering if it was a tendon or brachioradialis? either way its pissing me off and driving me crazy and really affecting training. its been roughly 4 months since its began which is scaring me. any help would be great. thanks
It is probably the brachialis muscle, not the biceps. The brachialis is deep to the biceps, and is involved in flexing the elbow when the wrist is pronated as in hammer curls. Could also be the brachioradialis.
As for initial management, I’m sure you already know the answer–avoidance of movements that aggravate the pain. Re long-term control, suggest you critically evaluate your workout split to see if this muscle group is being hit more frequently than it should (eg, doing Back one day, Arms the next, High Pulls the next, etc). You may need to group your movements differently in order to let the brachialis/radialis have more down time. Good luck.
I have been dealing with the same bicep issue. I went to the PT. With his advice, I decided to go very light with any and all lifts that cause pain. Also keep all relifts very short, meaning like curls don’t exstend all the way down nor come all the way up with a flex! If you do this will agrivate the tendon and slow recovery down! Since I’ve been doing this, it’s felt so much better! Remember light weigh, like 20% of what you normally lift! I think that I will be back to my full heavy lifts with-in three to four weeks! All other training continues on as normal. Although, I baby my bicep on off days!!! Good luck!