At the moment I am not quite sure what to do next. Fact is, I have some bodyfat at my lower abs, but its obviously not too much; anyway here 2 photos, how high is the BF ?
And would you bulk or cut firstly ?
Im 6’2 tall and on the photos about 200pounds heavy
Good Lord, why do people always act perplexed as to whether they should “cut” or “bulk”. Holy shit, just eat healthy and pick up weights. That simple. And if you really feel like you need to cut or bulk then read some damn articles on here, look at some pictures, and realize that youre not big and if thats your goal is to get big then eat more. Fuck.
lift…eat…watch your body grow. judging by your build you’re definitely a ectomorph (hard gainer) so just eat big and lift big and don’t worry about getting “fat”. good luck.
[quote]jackedmf-er wrote:
What the fuck??? So we go from juding bf to giving advice on a vague “BB 3-day split”? This is why i hate everybody. Literally. Everybody.[/quote]
OP you don’t have to over think things at this point. Start going to the gym regularly and focus on progressing at each session via increased weight, reps, sets, etc. Check out Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1, follow it as written, eat a lot of GOOD quality food, and body comp changes will follow.