Beyond 531 Questions

Finally got Beyond 531 and just have a few clarifications anyone could clear up with me.

I love the idea of a 531 pyramid, setting the PR on the last set, (a possible Joker set), and the down sets (AMAP on the last set). It would look something like this, ex. week 3 %'s.

Warmup 3x5 @40,50,60%
95%xAMAP (PR set)
105%xAMAP (Joker set)
85%x3 (down set)
75%xAMAP (FSL set)

This really seems to me like the absolute best way to lift, especially with the basic template.

As a beginner and 5’s Progression being the recommended template, at least for my first cycle, how much of “pyramid 531” scheme can I apply as a beginner and 5’s PRO?

  • Is it best to cap my last set at 5, and not shoot for a PR? Meaning take advantage of the Joker set?
    I’m a little confused here because what I really liked about 531 is training sub-maximally because I’m not strong and had a hard time ever dropping the weights and progressing. I’ve always stalled and quit. I know if I set my TM at 85-90% I have room for a Joker or two but I really am pushing my max. Can I still shoot for a PR on my last set or is it really best to just cap at 5 reps and hit a Joker?

-Can I apply the pyramid scheme to 5’s PRO? Taking my middle set to 5 reps and then a FSLxAMAP, or is it better to just skip the down set and just drop straight to a FSL for 3-5x5?

Setting a PR on the last set, a Joker and taking the first set x AMAP is a lot of work. I ask these questions and imagine the original 531 template is the only way to do that much.

As I said above I really think the original 531 template with the newer “beyond” principles (joker/pyramid), is the best way to get strong. I want to run 5’s PRO for 6 weeks and deload and want to know how or if I can apply any of these principles.

Last question. After my 6 week cycle of 5’s PRO and a deload can I switch to 531 with the PR set, Joker (if possible), down set and FSL? Seems to me like the most optimal way to train. I could see myself training that way forever. All I would need in the weight room would be some body weight work and Rows, and I like the simplicity of that.

Thanks ahead of time.

The problem you are encountering is trying to find the perfect template and run it forever. We don’t do that. We break things up. For example, I have put up a number of long term programming in this forum.

What this does is allow for longer progress and avoid burnout. “I’ve always stalled and quit.” - imagine if you programmed things! By planning for progress you avoid this. Essentially you are trying to run “in the red” and trying to push 100 pounds of sand in a 10 pound container.

Please follow what I’ve mapped out - I have made all the mistakes so you don’t have to.

I get what you’re saying. So instead of trying to take all the principles into a “perfect” template, I’m better to take a template for a cycle, do nothing but follow it to a T, and move on to the next template of my liking versus combining all of the principles. For example:

6 weeks: 5’s PRO/5x5 FSL
6 weeks: Original 531
6 weeks: 531 Pyramid
6 weeks: 531 Full Body

Or I could just stick with a template for a few months.

We work with 5 forward/3 back.

So that gives us 5 full cycles to work with. So we generally do 3 of them with a certain template, then 2 of them with another one.
It all works out very well because it forces people to learn about how to program and not shit the bed.

I have outlined this a number of times on this forum - check them out!

Okay, so would something like this be more appropriate?

6 weeks: 5’s PRO
6 weeks: 5’s PRO
6 weeks: 5’s PRO
6 weeks: 531
6 weeks: 531
deload - new TM, go back to last week of 5’s PRO’s?

I’m not sure you read what I wrote or looked at the examples in this forum. Please take the time to read my responses and read this forum; it’s free and there is a lot of great information. I don’t know what else to write to make it more clear.

"So that gives us 5 full cycles to work with. So we generally do 3 of them with a certain template, then 2 of them with another one. "

The example you listed above does not follow these guidelines.

[quote]kingbrady wrote:
Okay, so would something like this be more appropriate?

6 weeks: 5’s PRO
6 weeks: 5’s PRO
6 weeks: 5’s PRO
6 weeks: 531
6 weeks: 531
deload - new TM, go back to last week of 5’s PRO’s?[/quote]

A cycle refers to going through the full 5/3/1 rotation ONE time (so 1 5s week, 1 3s week, 1 5/3/1 week). The 6 week method you’re describing would be TWO cycles.

Okay, thanks for that clear up.

Cycle 1: 5’s Pro
+5/10 lbs.


+5/10 lbs. 5’s Pro & 5/3/1
Cycle 2:
+5/10 lbs.


Cycle 3: 5/3/1


Back to where I was at “cycle 2”