So I have done 531 for over a year now with some decent gains. When Beyond 531 came out I bought the e-book and started implementing Joker sets, which I love. My question is, on the “Advanced 531” program, can you use Joker sets or should you just stick to working up to a new PR on the 3rd week as outlined in the book? Thanks!
Just stick to working up on the 3rd week - the reasoning is all in the book. You should just work to increase the volume on the other weeks.
[quote]Jim Wendler wrote:
Just stick to working up on the 3rd week - the reasoning is all in the book. You should just work to increase the volume on the other weeks.[/quote]
Awesome. Thanks so much!
On the 3rd week of the advanced 5/3/1 program, if you feel like hitting a new 1 rep max, should you do the 5 sets of 1 at 95% and then increase from there with additional singles or use the 5 singles to work up to the 1RM i.e (75%, 85%,95% 105%, 110%) ?
This is a program for ADVANCED lifters. Thus you will have to use your judgement and experience with that question and do what is necessary for the workout.