Best Lat Width Exercise

I have great thickness and even my lower lats are well developed. I need more upper lat width.

Just a ton of pullups and chins from a dead hang/focus on the stretch at the bottom

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Superset: straight arm pull downs and meadows stretchers

[quote]patrick4588 wrote:
I have great thickness and even my lower lats are well developed. I need more upper lat width.[/quote]

What exercises gave you the best gains in your thickness and lower lat development?

Plenty of pull ups with various grips both weighted and bodyweight only.

for me alot of rowing with heavy weight for 15-20 reps with 3 sec squeeze. and the best one for me was chest supported cable rows

I think I remember you saying at one point you don’t really do any vertical pulling, just mostly rowing. Is that still the case?

If you’ve got thickness, which means you’ve obviously beefed up the muscles over time, then I’m thinking that perhaps the real issue is shoulder work and/or structural in nature.

My overall width improved when I stopped focusing on moving a ton of weight with pressing movements and instead really nailed the muscle groups thy create the illusion of width on different poses (middle and rat felt heads).

Also, better posing can also contribute to appearing wider.


[quote]flipcollar wrote:
I think I remember you saying at one point you don’t really do any vertical pulling, just mostly rowing. Is that still the case?[/quote]

Im doing them now. Heres a couple weeks ago at 224

[quote]mbdix wrote:

[quote]patrick4588 wrote:
I have great thickness and even my lower lats are well developed. I need more upper lat width.[/quote]

What exercises gave you the best gains in your thickness and lower lat development?[/quote]
Deadlifts for one. Closing in on 800 raw. Barbell rows, t bar rows, v bar rows. I have great mind muscle connection with my back. I can squeeze and flex from really any position or angle

Pullups fawkin hurt. My left arm is full of metal from my bike crash earlier this year. Fml

Hi mate. I’m in same kinda situation. Had bike crash 3 month ago and had radial head replacement in my left elbow. Did u have any damage in ur elbow? Do u still manage to train reasonably normally? Bench press, bicep curls ect

[quote]Crawf87 wrote:
Hi mate. I’m in same kinda situation. Had bike crash 3 month ago and had radial head replacement in my left elbow. Did u have any damage in ur elbow? Do u still manage to train reasonably normally? Bench press, bicep curls ect[/quote]

Both bones in my forearm have metal plates wrapped around them and i have like ten screws or something. Entire left forearm basically. Bench press hurts but im back up to around 315. I can’t do skull crushers at all right now, too painful. Deadlift doesnt hurt at all. I get deep tissue on it a lot, use my tens unit, and inferno wrap. My left tricep i cant flex as well anymore. Squeeze and mind to muscle connection isnt the same. Work in progress ya know.

This scar on both sides

Did this for about 6 months last year

Weighted Chin-ups 12,10,8,6
Bodyweight Pullups, to failure, restpause for a second and third set
Close V-Bar pulldown, 4x10-15 (after the pullups you’ll really feel the burn in your rear delts/top of the lats, for full extension i made sure to push my head through my arms at the bottom and feel the stretch)
Wide Grip Bodyweight Inverted Rows 4xfailure (was using this day for high rep bicep work at the beginning of deployment, so would superset with curls; try to hit more than 15 reps. Later switched to supersetting with shrugs since I was doing these on the Smith)
Facepulls- some kind of high rep scheme superset with something.
DC-style weighted stretch at the end of training.

have never gotten much out of rows as far as aesthetic muscle. Didn’t find barbell rows to help my Deadlift either, although I love Kroc rows.

Have you tried behind the neck pullups? Something to do with the elbows going straight down the sides of your body, instead of elbows being pulled back, like with normal chinups. This is supposed to target width more than thickness.

Amit has been having me do a lot of wide or close grip neutral (palms facing each other) at the beginning of every back session. Very hard stretch at the top 2 count and a hard squeeze at the contratced position in the 12-15 rep range. Back isn’t crazy wide but you know where I started and I know this has been paying off more than anything.

The neutral grip and behind neck pulls is definitely helping. Still need a lot for width but its coming

Mind u i have a 36" waist as well

Ugh. I look like s***. Need to head back to the gym