Barbell shrugs or dumbell shrugs?
Which is best
Barbell shrugs or dumbell shrugs?
Which is best
Barbell. But for you, deadlifts and pullups.
which one feels like its doing more?
[quote]louiek wrote:
Barbell. But for you, deadlifts, pendlay rows, yates rows, and chin ups.[/quote]
There, fixed it…
50lb dumbell shrugs squeezing at the top are what i see most people doing at the gym, so thats probably what you should be doing to get very large trapezeii
[quote]Field wrote:
50lb dumbell shrugs squeezing at the top are what i see most people doing at the gym, so thats probably what you should be doing to get very large trapezeii[/quote]
Negative. I hope you are joking…doing what “most people” Do in the gym will get you only the results that “most people” get. Which is to say, average and mostly weak. 50 lb dumbbell shrugs are not impressive trap builders. Now, if you build that up to 120 lb dumbbell shrugs (with good form) then that becomes more effective.
IMO shrugs are overrated as a solo trap exercise tho. I don’t have ronnie coleman sized traps, but at 245-250 I have what most would consider proportionately large traps. I very rarely if ever do shrugs. I do tons pf power snatch and overhead squat though, which creates a massove load on the traps and back in general. Shrugs shine as a FINISHER for a workout, not as a standalone imho.
Now, both those exercises are technicsl and hard to do properly. If you want some things to do, try this…this is perfect to go on your back day or to go on leg day:
Deadlift x 6, snatch grip high pull (grip outside the rings) x 8, Hise Shrugs x 10 with a 3 count hold on each rep. Rest only 20 seconds between exercises untill youre done with the complex. Then you can rest the full amount. Do 4 rounds.
A Hise shrug is best looked up, but basically a wide grip overhead press shrug–no press, hold it with arms locked out and squeezed triceps and just shrug.
Forgot to say, after doing that circuit you can do 1 rowing exercise or chinups for a few sets. You probably won’t have energy for much more.
If you really can’t perform Hise Shrugs you can do dumbbel or barbell shrugs, same hold. But I think it is wellll worth it to learn hise shrugs. they kick sooo much ass. Just make sure the safety pins are set up above your head in the power rack. As I said, I think the shrug shines mostly as the end of a complex, not a standalone imo. To wach their own tho.
[quote]Aragorn wrote:
[quote]Field wrote:
50lb dumbell shrugs squeezing at the top are what i see most people doing at the gym, so thats probably what you should be doing to get very large trapezeii[/quote]
Negative. I hope you are joking…[/quote]
Yeah i was joking.
I agree with doing power snatches and having the bar over your head in some way using a snatch grip.
I did snatches this evening for about an hour, near the end since the entire room was empty i was holding the bar over my head and walking around a little bit, something different to do.
Power cleans and all aforementioned exercises are better.
If you are committed to shrugs use them as a finisher for higher reps and just alternate which one you do.
[quote]Field wrote:
[quote]Aragorn wrote:
[quote]Field wrote:
50lb dumbell shrugs squeezing at the top are what i see most people doing at the gym, so thats probably what you should be doing to get very large trapezeii[/quote]
Negative. I hope you are joking…[/quote]
Yeah i was joking.
I agree with doing power snatches and having the bar over your head in some way using a snatch grip.
I did snatches this evening for about an hour, near the end since the entire room was empty i was holding the bar over my head and walking around a little bit, something different to do.[/quote]
Whew! Sarcasm detector fail…too much turkey
I get mine from dead lifts with a shrug at the top/ pulling my shoulder blades together for high reps
Ill actually do sets of 10 Yates style deads and then to finish up ill just shrug till I can’t shrug no more
[quote]texas man wrote:
I get mine from dead lifts with a shrug at the top/ pulling my shoulder blades together for high reps
Ill actually do sets of 10 Yates style deads and then to finish up ill just shrug till I can’t shrug no more[/quote]
that’s not a bad idea. maybe i’ll start doing static shrugged holds at the ends of my last few sets of deads. would help with grip strength too
[quote]Aragorn wrote:
[quote]Field wrote:
[quote]Aragorn wrote:
[quote]Field wrote:
50lb dumbell shrugs squeezing at the top are what i see most people doing at the gym, so thats probably what you should be doing to get very large trapezeii[/quote]
Negative. I hope you are joking…[/quote]
Yeah i was joking.
I agree with doing power snatches and having the bar over your head in some way using a snatch grip.
I did snatches this evening for about an hour, near the end since the entire room was empty i was holding the bar over my head and walking around a little bit, something different to do.[/quote]
Whew! Sarcasm detector fail…too much turkey
For the record, I’ve had good success with doing 3-5 second holds with heavy dumbbell shrugs, seriously. Just because people at the gym use 50 lb dumbbells for dumbbell bench pressing doesn’t also mean it’s a bad exercise.
To begin with I’d say it doesn’t really matter, with bigger weights though, I favour BB shrugs…of course, if you have access to an trap or hex bar, well…those are pretty much the daddy for shrugs!
Farmers walks good for traps ? Or just a finisher ?
[quote]giograves wrote:
Farmers walks good for traps ? Or just a finisher ?[/quote]
Good for traps and grip work!
But do them absolutely last in a work, IMO.
[quote]SSC wrote:
[quote]Aragorn wrote:
[quote]Field wrote:
[quote]Aragorn wrote:
[quote]Field wrote:
50lb dumbell shrugs squeezing at the top are what i see most people doing at the gym, so thats probably what you should be doing to get very large trapezeii[/quote]
Negative. I hope you are joking…[/quote]
Yeah i was joking.
I agree with doing power snatches and having the bar over your head in some way using a snatch grip.
I did snatches this evening for about an hour, near the end since the entire room was empty i was holding the bar over my head and walking around a little bit, something different to do.[/quote]
Whew! Sarcasm detector fail…too much turkey
For the record, I’ve had good success with doing 3-5 second holds with heavy dumbbell shrugs, seriously. Just because people at the gym use 50 lb dumbbells for dumbbell bench pressing doesn’t also mean it’s a bad exercise.[/quote]
I definitely agree. I dont think shrugs are worthless, just overrated unless used in conjunction with others (or lile the deadlift, shrug hold combozp.
[quote]SSC wrote:
[quote]giograves wrote:
Farmers walks good for traps ? Or just a finisher ?[/quote]
Good for traps and grip work!
But do them absolutely last in a work, IMO.[/quote]
I agree. Good for lots of stuff. For some reason they hurt me a lot more than shrigs. I believe its the runnong while holding requires stabilization constantly, which helps fire everything in your back but especially your traps. It also depends on how heavy youre going IMO.
Heavy weight