[quote]MattyG35 wrote:
Forearms - Farmer’s walks or wrist roller to failure 2-3x.
Calves - Stand on a step and crank out 50 toes in, 50 straight ahead, 50 toes out, all done single leg or on a leg press machine, something I did (and I have freakishly big calves btw), is hold the lock out position for as long as I could with a heavy load after repping out with it.
Tricep Long Head - Single Arm DB Pullover Extensions, control the weight.
Quads - 20 rep deep squats if you’re man enough. I’ve been doing Myo-Rep style squats and I’ve been feeling my VMO & quads like crazy.
Abs - Recently I tried leg raises and sit-ups/crunches on my bed instead of the floor or bench, and man what a difference it’s made. I’ve always had a hard time ‘feeling’ my core work, but doing those exercises on my mattress have helped with that a ton as of recent.
Medial Deltoids - Another recent feeling for me, was letting my arm come across the front of my body, it felt like it was stretching my medial deltoid a lot from the rear anyway, I suppose if you did the same sort of movement to the rear of your body it might help the front medial area.(<<<what shitty language, lol)
One of the best ways to gain muscle control I’ve found is via EMS. When I had ACL surgery the therapist left me with the machine and I sort of played with it, turned it all the way up as hard as I could handle and I got great muscle control in my left VMO as compared to my right.
Practice flexing as well, the mind-muscle connection is no joke.[/quote]
Matty thanks for the calf training one I might give it a go. When you say you have freakish calves were they a stubborn muscle for you at one point and you used those methods to bring them up? or have they always been large?