The problem is NOT your program. The problem is YOU! You have a bad attitude! People with bad attitudes focus on what they DON’T have or what’s NOT working …instead of what IS working and what they DO have.
Don’t be a n’t person( I can’t, won’t, don’t, not not not not) Yeah you’re NOT going to do jack shit with that attitude. Be a CAN doer. You can build all that shit …this aint rocket science and you have had good programs probably.
Use a little positive reinforcement and some positive effort and I bet you change your entire outcome on those poor biceps, chest, and whatever else muscle you named in your bad approach. I bet even your muscles are laughing at you because they even know they can grow.
Your problem is YOU partna! Change that, everything else will fall into place.<<
Oh give me a break with this philosophy crap already will ya. I wrote to musclemag once about a routine that wasn't getting results and they said I had a bad attitude and bad routine. Well, I got the routine out of one of their back issues...
Someone's freakin attitude has jack shit to do with whether or not certain exercises are effective for them. Get your head out of your ass. Save the tony robbins plattitudes for the seminar.
How are you going to tell him to focus on what's working and not to focus on what's not working? His problem IS the stuff that's not working. Good lord.
Maybe it is him in the sense that genetically those body parts are not where he got the potential. If this is the case, then just get used to it because it cannot be changed no matter what any so-called doctor or degreed pro here tells you. Aint gonna make a difference.
You say your biceps, chest, shoulders, and calves aren't any good yes? Ok, look at your rest periods between sets...60 seconds on a 3 rep max? Come on...what is this cardio or lifting weights? Slow it the hell down...try 3 minutes between sets or more and keep the weights 90%+ of your 1RM for sets of 1-4. If you're getting 6 reps you're using too light a weight for it to be incuded in what looks like a hybrid strength routine.
Your chest isn't getting any better most likely because you're taking the pecs out of the game, largely, with what must be the elbows-tucked power lifting bench style which relies on triceps , delts, and lats...along with some pectoral.
Try fingers-inside-the-rings-elbows-90degrees-incline press, or , using the same form, flat barbell press to the neck. Nothing works for making the pecs pop like the neck press and the incline (for me , anyway).
For shoulders, try the bradford (or rainbow) press..or the 'W' press. Biceps, you either have them or you don't. I knew a guy who was 5-9, 230 and could rep 315 behind the neck press and b4nch 440lbs for easy reps, BUT his arms..while huge...really had no peak at all. He'd always ask me how I got mine to look like they do- and mine were like 3 inches smaller than his. It's all genetics.
Avoid ALL isolation shits like concentration curls, and do stuff like body-drag curls, hammers, and regular old barbell curls but the thing here is forget about reps- use something heavy. Heavy, heavy, heavy- learn it because all the pump shit in the world isn’t going to get you those arms.
If you insist on feeling this worthless pump, then AFTER your power routine, add in some sets of 60-70% 1RM high rep stuff just to make yourself feel better and to satisfy the russian conjugate guys.
People are going to tell you that bench press is all you need for the triceps and I’m going to tell you that they are full of it. Hit some heavy JM Presses (but do them right- go to and do a search and look for the black & white video of blakely explaining them and demonstrating. 99% of everybody on youtube showing how ‘strong’ they are in the JM Press are just doing a retarded version of the close grip bench press and bragging as they do the movement entirely wrong), then move on to close grip bench and vary your hand spacing and how far you bring it down (do full range, 1/2s, 1/4s…use a book wrapped in a towel on your chest if you have no boards).
Most important thing is the weight you are using. If you find that your triceps dominate but you have a weak bench, forget about tucking the elbows, and leave them at 90 degrees until your pecs start responding- and they will respond.
Calves are not hard to develop. Just remember, light weight mega reps will get you nowhere. Again, it’s heavy weight on the calf raise- point toes in and then alternate with toes out on next set. Keep doing this. You don’t need anything fancy for the calves, and they can be worked a lot- more frequently than you usually read, so hit them every other day if you want until you start seeing results.
One last point about the shoulders- I don’t know it for a fact but I suspect your grip width on the overhead presses might be too narrow and this means you are using a lot of triceps in the movement. Use a wide grip- as wide as you can and forget about behind the neck- keep it in front and do them standing.
If you have to use pussy weight, then do it, who cares, you will get stronger in time and get the development you want. Nevermind any other movement besides the barbell overhead press in all of its variations- that means no dumbbell side raise, no reverse fly, no front barbell raise. Forget that crap.
Lastly, in case you forgot, dont mix up the rep scheme like you’re doing including reps of 5 and 6. Save the 6-10 rep ranges for the pump stuff AFTER the main work with 90%+ is done with. Like you do your 10 sets of 2-3 on the bench then if you want to throw in 2 sets of high rep crap go on ahead and do it.
Don’t mix it all together like that because you’re falling below your maximum threshold there and it’s a waste of time. REST BETWEEN SETS- none of this 60 second junk.
If you’re using the weight you’re supposed to then there’s no way in hell you’ll be recovered enough in 60 seconds to hit the 90%+ level for your next set for the number of reps you need. Just won’t happen. Did I also see a 30 second rest in there somewhere?? Wherever you got that idea you need to forget it. Save the 60 second rests for the high rep stuff at the end.
“It’s your attitude”…I’m still laughing at that one.