So, I was running a WSB template until I injured my right shoulder two months ago and deciden to move to oly weighlifting. Now my shoulder seems to be ready to bench again, so I am planning to bench 3 times a week after my oly workouts.
I think something like this might work:
Monday [ME]:
Week 1: Work up to a new 5RM
Week 2: Work up to a new 3RM
Week 3: Work up to a new 1RM
Week 4: Deload
Wednesday [RE]:
5 sets of 8 to 10 reps
Friday [DE]:
8 to 12 sets of 3 reps
Week 1:55% 1RM
Week 2:60% 1RM
Week 3:65% 1RM
Week 4:Deload
What do you guys think about this?
I have obiously improved my benching form to avoid getting injured again
I just like training, and since squats and deads are trained in oly lifting i’d like to have a decent bench so I can compete in powerlifting if there is a meet near my town.
lower volume on RE and DE days. Trust me. You can always increase it later. take the RE down to 3-4x8, and make sure to stay absolutely away from failure. Frequnt training dictates no grinding reps (or rather, dont often grind, save it for the ME days). You can wave colume up from week to week and then back down if you like, but start on the low end.
DEFINITELY agree with Chris, switch RE to friday. You will want the deload in both intensity and volume after ME day, so move DE to wednesday. Make sure to stay away from bands. Reverse bands and moderate chain loading are ok, but bands just rip you up too much to be used in a frequency program.
I am currently doing a frequent bench, and feel fine. But it does not lend itself to grinding repa or balls out psyching up. Calm and focused is much better.
Are you going to be using bands or chains on your DE day? If not I would say up the weights to a heavier weight that you can still move very fast. Wendler had it in the article he just posted on here saying that he usually used around 70-80% of his max.
The following might work for you.
50% 2x3 60% 3x3 70% 3x3 50% 1x3
add 5% to each
add 5% to each
The reason I have the last set go back down is so you can better assess the speed on the other weights. Also so you know the last set was super explosive.
I used percentages up there, but it would be better to move the weight up dependent on how fast it is moving.
[quote]Jayk wrote:
Are you going to be using bands or chains on your DE day? If not I would say up the weights to a heavier weight that you can still move very fast. Wendler had it in the article he just posted on here saying that he usually used around 70-80% of his max.
The following might work for you.
50% 2x3 60% 3x3 70% 3x3 50% 1x3
add 5% to each
add 5% to each
The reason I have the last set go back down is so you can better assess the speed on the other weights. Also so you know the last set was super explosive.
I used percentages up there, but it would be better to move the weight up dependent on how fast it is moving.[/quote]
Im not using any bands or chains, so I think I will use your numbers, I supose the % may increase/decrease if It seems too slow or too easy righ?
[quote]daraz wrote:
Injure my shoulders? Better bench 3 times a week.[/quote]
Just because I really bastardized the WSB template, I was doing over 50 pressing sets a week, trying to improve my chin ups doing them 4xweek and doing a shit ton of curlzzz lol
Now they feel quite better and don’t hurt at all when benching.
Volume on DE day can really be manipulated to suit you. No harm in starting lower at 6x3. As I said you can always increase it in a week or two if you feel good after the 2 week break in period. That being said, if you’re not using chains then I would use something closer to 70% for DE day, and csulli might be right that 9x3 will work fine.
Bottom line is really that the loading parameters are more important than the volume to get right off the bat, you can always increase volume easily.
I did this plan by T-Nation author Tim Henriques leading up to my last meet (bench only + strict curl):
We made some adjustments to it but the overall plan was the same, and I had excellent results. I benched 419 at that meet (a 39 pound meet PR) and Tim benched 402. It is pretty intensive but a good program if you really want to focus on the bench.
It is 3 days a week, but the Monday workout calls for 3 workouts total that day. They usually combined the first and second one in the afternoon and did the third in the evening.
[quote]daraz wrote:
Injure my shoulders? Better bench 3 times a week.[/quote]
Just because I really bastardized the WSB template, I was doing over 50 pressing sets a week, trying to improve my chin ups doing them 4xweek and doing a shit ton of curlzzz lol
Now they feel quite better and don’t hurt at all when benching.[/quote]
I did not think of that, but to be safe you could always try a few sets of Banded Kettlebell Bench Press at the end of your workouts. You can use DBs instead of KBs, which is what I did. I tried them yesterday for the first time and am going to keep them for prehab and to help improve form.
So although I can not attribute them to much yet, I know at WSB they use bamboo bars which is basically the same thing.
Thanks everyone for the input, just started this today, my bench is almost untrained and under 200lbs so it will go up quite fast for the next few months lol