Bench Stuck for Far Too Long....

I see to be improving my lifts everywhere especially the deadlift and sgat, however my bench press has been near stationary for like 4 months now. I'm eating fairly well and I'm on an upper/lower 4 day split so I bench twice a week. 

I’ve been doing a 3x5 rep scheme and I’ve been stuck at 150 and every once in a while I can do 155 for 5 eps (usually 3ish) my squat and deadlift aren’t in too bad of shape
squat: 175x5 (deep as shit)
deadlift 225x5 (imo my best lift but still not very exciting)

I’m thinking I should pyramid a 7-5-3-2-1 sort of thing but I’m not sure. any advice?

How much weight have you gained in 4 months?

Try different set ranges. Your lifts are still weak so you’ve got alot more work. Benching muscles recover very quick so you could train it every day just vary the volume. Go as low cas one set per workout after warm-up, too as many as you like. Inspired by issac nesser i am now trying 20 sets of bench every day, it feels good! Build a base.

I deffinately don’t want to try benching everyday I did that my first like 3 weeks weightlifting…bad idea. I’ve gained maybe close to 10 pounds but in that 10 pounds in the first two months my bench went up by only 5, and has remained there.

Honestly I’m not to keen on gaining lots of weight unless I could wittle my bodyfat down a few notched too. (14% to 10%ish). School is starting soon and honestly that will make eating on the right time a lot easier I could just use a few pointers though.

Young trainees should work in the higher rep ranges. Try the 12-15 rep range per set, or any program available that has emphasis on volume.

I’ve thought about making one of my days a higher rep day 8-10ish and the other a low rep range 5reps for both of my upper and lower days.

You’ve tried putting more weight on the bar

Now try to do more reps or to do close-grip (for increased difficulty).