So I?m considering buying a bench and squat suit. I?m wondering if these will help increase muscle mass because I will be lifting heavier weight. Or are they purely for single rep maxes or what? I?m not quite sure what there use is for. Any info on the benefits of squat and bench suits would be helpful.
Save your money for something else. Gear is for powerlifters.
The short answer is no. the extra weight you’re lifting is being supported by the gear and typically the volume of lifts your doing in gear is well below what is generally required for building muscle mass. The longer answer is yes if you learn proper phase training. Look up the old ted arcidi cycles and you’ll get an idea of what im talking about. With that said unless you plan on competing I’m not sure why you would want to fuss with the gear. bench shirts and suits at this point are pretty much designed to help you lift more weight period by providing you body with greater support to move the weight. If your goal is soley to build mass you’ll get there a lot faster without the gear.
In general I agree with the previous posters. Only use the gear if you are into powerlifting. If you’re not convinced, ask a powerlifter about putting bench shirts and squat suits on. The bruises can be quite nasty!
However, if you are already squatting fairly heavy and are starting to have issues with your hips being sore, a pair of squat briefs (NOT a suit) can be helpful.
[quote]sharetrader wrote:
In general I agree with the previous posters. Only use the gear if you are into powerlifting. If you’re not convinced, ask a powerlifter about putting bench shirts and squat suits on. The bruises can be quite nasty!
However, if you are already squatting fairly heavy and are starting to have issues with your hips being sore, a pair of squat briefs (NOT a suit) can be helpful.[/quote]
I should note that “fairly heavy” is NOT 315 for a max. Get closer to 500 lb max, then see about briefs. A belt should be all you need until then, maybe some knee sleeves to keep the joints warm (NOT knee wraps)
In my opinion lifting straps that go around your wrists, belts, and wrist supports are the only socially acceptable lifting tools for someone who isn’t being paid to lift weights.
Absolutely not. Given that you’re posting in the Beginner’s section, I’m taking the liberty of assuming you’re a newb. Long story short (I don’t do specifics sleep-deprived @ 2am), squat/bench suits are for the VERY experienced. You wouldn’t be ready. You (presumably) are still mastering form and the suit would interfere with that progress. No.
Thanks for the info, I also wasnt sure if the suits would help correct form isssues but it seems they do not. I will look into gett maybe some straps and deffenitly a belt.
[quote]shizen wrote:
Thanks for the info, I also wasnt sure if the suits would help correct form isssues but it seems they do not. I will look into gett maybe some straps and deffenitly a belt. [/quote]
You don’t really need a belt or straps either. You’re best bet is to work hard on perfect form and trying to get stronger over time. No need to use belts, straps, wraps or other assistive aids. You don’t need them!
Learn proper form. Add weight whenever possible as long as your form doesn’t degrade. Get stronger.