I’m sure I’m not the only one that has this problem… the bar gets caught under the ATG squat ass… and it makes for an annoying lift. How do you guys deal with this?
Im not really understanding the question here.
Fuck nevermind, I was confused. You can use a cambered bar if your gym has one, otherwise you have to deal with it.
[quote]BlackLabel wrote:
Im not really understanding the question here.
Fuck nevermind, I was confused. You can use a cambered bar if your gym has one, otherwise you have to deal with it.[/quote]
Don’t have one unfortunately. I know one option is the smith machine… but I try to avoid using it when possible. I prefer to stick to BB and DB.
I have the same problem. I really wish I could do them well since I only have two other trap-specific exercises in my arsenal, but my fat ass is always getting in the way =P
When I get up the nerve to try them again I usually just lean back and suck my butt in towards the front.
That’s the thing about squatting/deadlifting heavy - you develop a huge ass. Fucking pants start to no longer fit, and bars get stuck under your ass.
What do you feel is the advantage to doing the lift this way as opposed to front shrugs? And don’t say, “Well my sack gets in the way” because I thought of that first.
I suppose you could use dumbells and sit on an incline bench set to nearly 90 degrees?
But what is it about behind the back shrugs that isn’t serviced by normal shrugs that spurs you to ask this question? Has “rickshaw” become a new strongman event?
[quote]DragnCarry wrote:
I suppose you could use dumbells and sit on an incline bench set to nearly 90 degrees?
But what is it about behind the back shrugs that isn’t serviced by normal shrugs that spurs you to ask this question? Has “rickshaw” become a new strongman event? ;-)[/quote]
Haha I don’t know. I just do WS4SB3, and that is one of the Trap exercises that is called for. It does feel different than normal shrugs… perhaps someone with more experience can distinguish between the two… or even conclude that there is no difference and I can stop giving myself an ass lift lol.
I don’t suppose you saw this?
i have this same problem…i dont really like the bending back to get around the ass idea…do u guys think thats safe? anyhow, ive been doing a isometric kind of shrug where i just pull as far as i can until it gets stuck and then just pull as hard as i can from there and hold it for a few seconds…good?? bad??
i recently starting doing behind the back shrugs and really enjoy them. not to mention i’ve finally started getting compliments on my traps.
i actually use the smith machine for both back and front.
i’ll do a set of 25 front shrugs, and then immediatly move to inside the cage and do 20 behind the back, then rest.
it rocks man. try it out for a few weeks.
i do those on occassion. you can’t do nearly as much weight behind the back.
trick is to get your posture just right so not to hit your ass. also, because the abs are braced and tense thru out the movement its a killer ab workout too.
also ROM is much reduced.
I prefer behind the back vs. the front. I use the smith machine and sort of lean forward and shrug. Shrugs have helped, but deads made my traps explode…
i love these but back aches might come your way