18 years old. Beginner athlete.
Max lifts- Squat-205. Deadlift 275. Bench press- 170 maybe. Overhead press 100-105. Row-140. Haven’t checked maxes in a while.
146 pounds
6 foot.
Goals- Strength, performance and an increase in stand up striking-Muay thai
Monday (Strength)- Barbell squat 3x5, Pendlay row 3x5, Overhead press 3x5.
Assistance. Pick 1-2 exercises, 3x8. Chin ups, pull ups, barbell curls, rear dealt.
After school- Muay thai. (Optional)
Tuesday. (Cardio)- Stretching. Tredmill- 10 minute run. (I hate the tredmill) Skipping- Intervals. 45 seconds on, 45 seconds off. X3. Stair running- Intense up, controlled down. Up/down X10. 35 seconds rest. Repeat three times. Ab work-3x12.
After school- Muay Thai, 1 hour 30 minutes.
Wednesday- No weightroom.
After school- Muay thai, 1 hour 30 minutes.
Thursday (Strength)- Barbell squat 3x5, Bench press 3x5, Barbell deadlift 1x5.
Assistance. pick 1-2 exercises, 3x8. Close grip push ups (high reps) Dips, one-arm dumbbell press, incline press or other tricep work.
After school- Muay thai 1 hour 30 minutes.
Friday- (Cardio)
Stretching-Dynamic/static. Skipping-longer intervals, 40 second rest. X3.
Standing long jump 3x5
Vertical jump 3x5
Stair running.
After school-Rest. Maybe light bag work at my house.
Sunday- Muay thai. 1 hour 30 minutes.
There’s my routine. For the strength i try to add 10 pounds whenever i can to each movement (My school doesn’t have 2.5 pound plates). My gym is ill-equipped but i managed to make a usable squat rack. Although theres no mirror i get my partner to tape me on his phone so i can adjust form. Any feedback would be great, especially cardio and conditioning ideas. I plan on using the track when the weather is better (Live in Canada)