Hey everyone
Im 22 and recently graduated from university with a BA in Phsychology and Biology. One of the career paths I am taking steps towards is being a strength and conditioning coach. I am currently working at Martial Arts Club Teaching classes, and training people (and myself for various full contact competitions) I have have been teaching for about a year. I also Teach some womens fitness classes from time to time.
I love sports and I love training. (Note my graduation present from my parents was a new set of kettlebells, My last christmas present from my Dad was grappeling shorts… you get the idea). Even my other possible career path would be teaching highschool science and gym. I have been consistanly involved in weight training for the last 6 years.
Im 6’3 180lbs give or take Bench 240, Squat 440, Deadlift 440, Clean 240, Overhead Press 165, Split Jerk 240, Weighted Chin up Bodyweight + 125lbs. I definatly look like I workout and I have decent numbers in addition to my fair share of competeive amature fighting success. I have also become certified to referee amature San Shou matches in Canada, and I am currently studying to take the CSCS computer exam in Buffalo in the early fall.
I would appreciate any and all advice the T-Nation community could offer me as to getting started on this carreer path.