Hey guys, I want to start BBB in a couple weeks and I was hoping to get some feedback about exercise selection from guys who have done this program. Most of the people in the original BBB thread were doing the 6x a week option but due to school and other obligations I’ll only have time for the 4x a week option. Here’s a link to the diet plan I’m also looking for advice about:
Ramp 1
Day 1 - Mon
Lat Pulldowns - Wide Grip
BB Bench Press
EZ Bar Curls
Seated Calf Raises
Day 2 - Tues
Seated Military Press
Close-Grip Bench Press
Leg Press
Hanging Leg Raises or possibly some Ab crunch machine
Day 3 - Thurs
T-Bar Row
BB Incline Press
DB Shrugs
Seated Calf Raises
DB Hammer Curls
Skull Crushers
Day 4 - Fri
Leg Press
BB Bench Press
Lat Pulldowns - Wide Grip
Seated Military Press
Donkey Calf Raises
EZ Bar Curls
I put in DB Shrugs for day 3 delts because I couldn’t think of an isolation exercise that I could progress in poundage. My primary goal on this bulk is size. Should I add different planes of movement rather than the 2x per week scheme of exercises? I’m open to suggestions thanks.