Barbell Bench or Dumbbell Bench?

Hey I am just starting the OVT program, and I wanted to know whether or not it would be a good idea to do dumbbell flat bench and dumbbell incline bench instead of the barbell flat and incline? I always thought free weights were a lot better considering it takes more balance and what not.

Also usually when i do incline dumbbell bench i can do 60’s and 65’s but today when i went in and tried and perform this excercise I felt terribly weak and i couldnt do it, i also just had finished up flat bench but usually that never happends. Is it because i am over working my chest?

Some input on that mattter would greatly be appreciated because i am worried im not going to be able to lift up 60’s or 65’s again like i always had been.

Id say on OVT no stick to the BB for the power move and you have the supersetted move thats more isolated


I do OVT with dumbells for my bench. According to an EMG study, DB presses are superior chest stimulators to BB presses. This may be due to the increased ROM DBs give you.

However, it is good to note that you can lift a lot more with BBs than DBs because there is less stabilization involved with BBs.

Some people (like me) find stimulating the target muscle superior to the amount of weight lifted, while it’s the other way around for others. It’s up to you where you wanna side.

BBs are free weights too, unless you’re talking about the Smith Machine.

You were probably tired. Check my log, and you’ll see how my DB bench got worse after a while. The supersets really take the energy out of me, and as it turns out, we’re not alone.

Why not do both???

After 6 weeks of doing DB benches, do 2 weeks of BB benching. Or vise versa, or whatever… That way you don’t hit a platou, since you give your muscles a new stimulus.

AND why not add Push Ups too??? They are extremely good, plus your scapula will thank you for it.

[quote]NeoSpartan wrote:

Why not do both???

WoW: Words of Wisdom!