Hey guys, I just had a quick question and was hoping somebody could help me out
Two days ago I rolled my ankle badly playing basketball (And heard a pop).
First question- Was the ‘pop’ sound indicative of something bad? I’m pretty sure its not broken because I can walk around with a limp, but should I see a doctor?
Second question- How long do you think I should hold off on weight bearing exercises on the legs? I mean squats, dls, lunges, etc
Yea if you can walk it’s likely not broken. I rolled my right ankle 3 years ago, heard a pop/snap. I however could not walk. Went to urgent care the next day (it happened at 10pm) and sure enough it was broken
I would go see a doctor just to make sure.
Also, wouldn’t it make sense to hold off on the leg exercises til it stops hurting?
A few years ago i found a hole playing flag football and got a bad sprain and had to crawl off the field it was so bad…it swole up but didnt break. I was able to work out the next day but avoided exercises where my ankle wasnt firmly planted. I did wdie stance leg presses, and conventional deadlifts with my squat boots on and things were fine after a week or so. Also, i went and got simple lace up ankle brace to use. Just dont push it too much.
Don’t go see a doctor unless you feel you really need to because he will charge out the ass and if its not broken will tell you to take some aspirin. The only good thing that can come of it would be if its worse than you think, or its fine and he gives you a temporary handicapped sticker.
Haha, thanks LSU… Thats my main concern about going to see the doctor (the price). Last year I broke my collarbone and I’m still dealing with the doctor’s charges. I can walk, however I woke up in pain the past two nights. I attribute this to the fact that i move in my sleep and i might have put my ankle in a compromised, thus painful, position.
Is it possible that I popped a tendon? If thats the case, can you even do anything for that other than letting it heal and wearing an ankle brace?
If money is a concern, take it easy for a few weeks and reevaluate. If it was really bad, you would have trouble putting weight on it, moving it, etc. If it doesn’t get better, schedule an appointment with a doctor who specializes in ankles (not GP).
[quote]BSrunner wrote:
Hey guys, I just had a quick question and was hoping somebody could help me out
Two days ago I rolled my ankle badly playing basketball (And heard a pop).
First question- Was the ‘pop’ sound indicative of something bad? I’m pretty sure its not broken because I can walk around with a limp, but should I see a doctor?
Second question- How long do you think I should hold off on weight bearing exercises on the legs? I mean squats, dls, lunges, etc
A pop may have indicated a dislocation. Your ankle is a joint and is able to dislocate like any other joint. What can you see on the outside of your ankle? Is there blood pooling at the bottom of your foot or around ankle? Which way do you think you rolled it, inward or outward?
Do NOTHING to put force onto your ankle. Do the usual R.I.C.E. and tensor your ankle up if you still going to walk on it. Get a set of crutches if you cannot walk half decently.
This is coming off of many sprained ankles, oh and buy vibram five fingers if you want to strengthen up your ankles, toes, and make you more aware of your feet (6th sense). I’ve had my vibrams for 2 years now and have been free of sprained ankles (knock on wood).
Yeah I rolled outwards, but I have been able to walk around and it only hurts when I bend it certain ways. I think it’ll be better in a few days and I’ll be back to running and playing sports soon. I am definitely going to walk around bare foot more often and this was a stark reminder to do more pre-hab type stuff for my body whenever I can.
I’m still not sure what that pop was. there was no blood pooling so I doubt it was dislocated. I am hoping that the pop was basically like me “cracking” my ankle (like how you crack your fingers or neck and it makes pops). Otherwise it may be that I tore a minor tendon (is that possible? for a tendon to be minor?) and I think I’ll be alright. Gonna take a few more days off. Thanks for the help guys.