Basically for the last two years I’ve been just bulking up, never did cardio, I don’t get much free time. I started cutting down about 2 weeks ago. I’m at 195 now. I have a big hamstring/quad imbalance. Due to in injury I couldn’t really squat at all, so that went down from 300 to ALOT lower (prob 225 havn’t done squats yet though) and my dl is about 375 for 3.
I hate losing weight b/c I want be as big as possible, but I’m going on vacation on March 1 for a week, so can’t have man boobs n a spare tire.
I started running and it was only 1-2 miles on treadmill and then 5-10 min on elipical and that was for about 5 times with a day or two of in between. It’s not alot, but cardio-wise I am really out of shape…trying to fix it. I stopped running on the 24th, and havn’t ran yet. I have this ridiculous pain right above my left knee, which I can only assume started from running b/c I DL on a regular basis.
I read it could be muscle imbalances but my hamstrings and back are pretty strong, however not at all close to my quads yet, nevertheless both are still stronger than the average person.
I work 40 hrs a week so I stand all day. It hurts alot when I put pressure on the heel only, as opposed to if I am on my toes (alot less pain). If try to squat down, basically anyway I bend the knee, the pain is worse.
I want this to heal as fast as possible. I’m gonna try to schedule an appointment with a sports medicine orthopedic, but I won’t be able to see him for a while so I’d appreciate any advice at all. Thanks…AP
I’ve learned a similar lesson that running is complicated. If you have an imperfect stride, the thousands of reps you’re doing are going to screw you up fast.
The good thing is, you don’t have to run to lose weight. Search on: complexes, circuits, and tabatta. Find some exercises you can do without pain. Do them quickly and with little rest. This will be much harder than distance running and quite effective.
thanks. I actually did get it checked out, good to have a great sports medicine doctor in family. He said it due to a really core (which I do), the muscle imbalance, and the big fact…I don’t stretch nearly as much as I should. I strengthend a alraeady short muscle, n it never got longer. Thus, when I started running they were lengthing and that’s bascially what casued it…
I’m a bit confused. Yesterday it was:[quote]I’m gonna try to schedule an appointment with a sports medicine orthopedic, but I won’t be able to see him for a while[/quote]
Today it’s:[/quote]I actually did get it checked out, good to have a great sports medicine doctor in family[/quote]
Was that your doctor’s appointment? Or do you still have an appointment for a second opinion?
It’s not just about stretching (which works flexibility), but you want to improve your actual mobility to keep the joints moving through whatever range of motion they do have.
Aside from that, was there any specific injury that the doctor found, or was it just an imbalance (which should be addressed and corrected, to avoid an injury down the road)? I’d stick with mostly unilateral exercises like step-ups, lunges, one-leg deadlifts, etc., for the time being.
Like the others have said, there are plenty of low impact, knee-friendly ways to training for fat loss. But your diet will also be a key component. If you’re looking to get lean for March, that’s just three months, man. It’s definitely doable (depending on your exact starting point), but we’ve got to get started ASAP.
sorry i didint think anyone would care or reply afterwards
I havn’t seen my doctor in like 3 years. He is my cousin and a great doctor, especially in this specific field. He said I definatly had mobitlity problems. He had me do just 10 one legged squats in I could barely do half. My ankle also isnt as flexible as it should be, especially for DLing. I had a few trainers look at my form…I round at the bottom when I got heavy.
Doc said short term diagnoisis is knee tendonitis. No lower body heavy work until the pain is gone. I did the elipitical yesterday and doesn’t hurt at all. He said to get an xray done so I’m going to do that as soon as I can. I also got really bad grinding knees.
For working out
cardio: elipitical, body weight, and bike…no running for a bit
Lifting: keep most the same, do light weight squats after a week or two, and def. do alot more single leg work once my leg is better. I have to correct alot of imbalances. My hip flexors are pretty weak as well, gotta find some good exercies.
I’ve read enough to know diet is key…but its just the time. I worked nonstop for 2 weeks when I got back from school…and tried to keep my caloires up (i thought i was) but I weighed myself and i droped from 195-8, to 185. I defintaly lost some muscle…for ex i was doing 95lb dumbells 4 sets of 8 and could still do the rest of the workout…down to 90s beat afterwards. Shoulder strength hasn’t gone down too much. My back (fav body part to work out) is still strong just a bit weaker. Realized it now and just trying to eat more and do some more cardio instead of lowering cals too much. I have a very difficult time putting on muscle and keeping it (gentics don’t really help me lol).
I got 2 moths and getting big (now lean which I hate) is a passion of mine. I know I will reach my goal within the 2 months I really don’t wanna lose more than 10 pounds…I’m 6ft and I looked skinny at 195, I just had a lot of fact that I’ve been carrying for a looong time.
Thanks I appreciate the help, and is there any advice you can give me for my goal…AP
Day 1: chest/tris
Day2: off OR shoulders/quads
Day3: off OR Shoulders/quads
Day4: back/bis/hamstings(i don’t do alot for bis igot wrist tendonits as well and its my least fav to workouttoo
Day5: off
Then I might take an extra day off or start the cycle again. I throw in cardio whenever I can…if its the same day as lifting…i dot it as far apart as I can. I may intercaahnge shoulders day with back day. And I make sure I do at least one FULL off day.