Ive read through some of the posts here and on other sites.I posted a while back too asking for supplements that might help heal tissure injuries. First its a warning to those who might pass blood in their stool and play it off…or have blood in the bowl after a movement and think its just hemmroids…around December or so, doing rock bottom squat triples with 500, I felt something funny…I ended up in the bathroom with a bowl full of bright red blood…I played it off, thought maybe I just hadnt gone heavy in a few years and pushed it so it was “breaking back in” or something stupid…I continued a 3 day a week program, usually a heavy day of triples, another day of 5’s, and another day of chains or bands worked in with squats, a variation of power clean, deadlift, bench and chins or rows…this went on for a few months, and Id have every so often blood in the bowl and when I wiped (yea sounds disgusting but its a fact I gotta live with it). It got to point it was hurting so bad and I thought it was hemroids, so I backed off and was doing sprints and weighted sled pulls instead of heavy squats and cleans, or doing light pause squats with 315…the primary care doc thought it was hemmroids, but when I put the medication they gave me on my rear it burned like hell and I was running around on my tippy toes…went to specialist, and after getting violated a few times, and jumping off the table in pain with tears in my eyes, he told me I had a rip in my canal basically…
So, anyways what normally heals on its own in pregnant women who get them or older people not eating enough fiber, has gone on for months with me missing workouts…by the time I finally got the right doctor with the right meds, I probably had ripped this thing over and over by continuing to train heavy with it. Now Ive been on light duty with my job behind a desk (driving me insane), and not been able to train for months…just these past few weeks Ive been allowed to try light jogging, eliptical (I swore Id never do that before!), and light upper body…Ive lost so much muscle mass and piled on a buddha belly in the past 3 months its making me want to see a sports psychologist! ha…
If you ever pass blood, dont be a meathead like me and wait…GO SEE A DOCTOR…
Im on high fiber, hot baths, and some heart medicine or something you rub on yourself with a vasoline like compound thats supposed to stop the spincter muscle from spasming so it can heal up…although, I think this is the last month I can wait to see if it heals and if it does not will have to get surgery…even after light jogging I have blood issues…
I need FULL RECOVERY!! If anyone knows specialists in this I could talk to who are familiar with ATHLETES and not just old people or pregnant woman, I would appreciate it…Im in a public service job that is demanding, and I also am on a special unit that is extra demanding physically…and I also am a S&C coach on my days off from that and now its killing me I cant train with my kids!!!
Any suggestions for diet or workouts to do while in this frustrating limbo?? would any type of supplements help organ tissue heal???
Thanks, God Bless