Guys, I’m 45 and pretty much starting all over after long layoff. Have lost quite a bit of strength/mass due in part to age, in part to sedentary lifestyle, and also in part to some medical issues which i’ve been addressing separately.
Anyway, i want to undo the little wimp i’ve morphed into and get both some strength and mass back and have put together a simple full-body workout that is part bodybuilding / part strength training that i have been doing about 2 times a week ( i really seem to need 72-96 hrs recovery these days ).
I am trying to focus mostly on compound exercises and Frankly, the weights arent much, I’m basically using ( 135 - 165 ) for all power movements below and seem pretty stuck there, as don’t seem to gain strength very readily anymore so I figure maybe at my age I should focus hard on regaining some muscle mass for a while first and then maybe some strength improvement will follow.
Anyway, this is my current workout. I think it’s probably mostly on track but am looking for feedback on this full body workout in terms of volume/reps/exercises and any suggestions/adjustments i might want to consider :
full squats - 4 sets 10,10,8,8 reps
deadlifts - 3 sets 5,5,5 reps
bench - 4 sets 10,10,8,6 reps
bent-over-row - 3 sets 8-10 reps
very strict seated cable row - 2 sets ( for scap/shoulder health per Eric Cressey ) it does seem to really help with cuff health not to mention improved posture
and finally…
abs/low back ( hanging leg raises, crunches, hypers )
Thats about it… maybe throw in a couple sets of barbell curls once in a while for the hell of it.
Thanks for input