(mostly) Lower pumping.
Leg press machine: 8x15.
Calf: 3x15
B.W. squats: 3x15
Standing crunch: 3x15
DB-Rdl’s: 3x15
Cable curls: 3x15
(mostly) Lower pumping.
Leg press machine: 8x15.
Calf: 3x15
B.W. squats: 3x15
Standing crunch: 3x15
DB-Rdl’s: 3x15
Cable curls: 3x15
Cable fly + rear fly: 3x15+15
Mid. Incline DB’s: 4x8/ 2x8@ 70, 60’s. Paused and controlled.
Bench/close grips: 6x10
Pulldowns: 2x15/ 2x10
Overhead Tri’s: 3x15- with 15 rep drop finish.
Leg press machine: 4x15
Back raise +plate: 4x10
Hang leg + knee raise: 3x5+5
Other leg press machine: 3x25
Calf: 3x20
Shrug machine: 3x15
DB hammer + alternating curls: 3x15+30.
Hard flexing, paused, sweet reps.
Warms: 10x10
Block pulls/ 4"- Con. & Sumo.
6x4/ 2x1@ 315, 365, 405, 435- 1 rep conven/ 1 rep Sumo all the way up.
Leg press machine: 3x15
Pulldowns: 3x15
Mostly snacking today, not eating= crashed a bit, just called it there.
W: 8x20
Decline DB’s: 4x12/ 4x8. All paused, tough reps.
DB pullovers: 2x25
DB/lying extensions: 3x15, dead stop bottom.
FreeMotion cable laterals. 3x15/ 3x10
Seated Hams: 3x25
Calf: 3x25
Leg press machine: 3x25
Swiss ball crunch: 3x15
Standing crunch: 3x15
Hang leg raise: 3x10
DB rear delt + curls: 3x15+15
DB press + curls: 3x10+10
Some extra work, before a 4 day weekend off.
5 days off…back at this tonight.
Cable/bands: 12x10 pumping up
Calf: 3x10
Seated rows: 3x20/ 3x10
Pushdowns + pulldowns: 3x10+10
Hang knee raise: 3x10
Not enough food= not much gas in the tank. Back on track today, and training lower tonight.
Warms: 10x5 w/barbell.
Box SQ/ parallel:
8x3/ 3@ 315, 355.
Close stance: 3x6@ 315
Big leg press: 5x15, flexed and stretched.
Cable pushdowns: 5x15
Cable curls: 5x15
Warms: 10x10
Floor press: 5x5/ 3x5@ 225
Close grip/Tri’s extensions: 4x5@ 185
Inc. DB flys: 5x15, paused/stretched reps.
DB Tri’s/overhead extensions: 2x20@ 30’s
Hang leg + knee raise: 3x5+5
Warms circuit: 10x25
Cable laterals:
Double arm= 4x15/ Single arm= 4x10
Sumo pulls:
6x3/ 1@ 315, 365, 85, 405
Speed sets: 5x3@ 315
Seat hams: 3x15
23 days out…from 12 day out of town vacation time. Best to hope for is a couple hotel gym/Rec. center lifts mixed in.
Calories will be high so, lifting will be a must.
Calf: 3x20
DB Tri’s + press: 2x10+10
Decline/ DB press: 4x10, paused/stretched.
Rolling Tri’s: 4x10@ 40’s
Standing cable flys: 3x20/ right side only; 3x10
Hammer high Inc. machine: 3x15/ 3x10. right side only- 10 extra on each set.
DB curls: 1x30, 20, 30.
No warm-ups (or course a mistake) just right into an open rack.
Box SQ@ depth:
8x3/ 1@ 315, 355, 375/ 3x3@ 315
DB/ Rdl’s: 4x12@ 40’s
Calf machine: 4x12
Seat Hams curls: 4x12
Hang leg raise: 4x12
Warms: 8x15
Floor press/ close grip/ top 1/2, from pins:
2x10/ 2x5/ 5@225, 250, 265.
Floor press/ comp. grip: 6@ 135, 185/ 4x6@ 205: paused reps.
Seat cable rows: 3x15
Overhead/cable Tri’s: 3x15
AM drumming= 75 mins.
Box SQ/parallel:
8x3/ 3@ 315, 345, 365
G.M’s to pin: 8@ 185, 225, 255, 275
Leg press machine: 3x15
Standing Abs: 3x15
Pulldowns: 3x15.
Decline DB’s:
12@ 30, 40, 55, 65/ 4x6@ 80’s. Paused stretch, hard driving up…Sweet.
Cable pushdowns: 4x15/ Single arm=6x10 each, alternating misc. angles.
Cable/ 1 arm laterals: 5x10 each, alternated.
Cable/ 1 arm curls: 5x15 each, alternated.
DB drop set, alternating curls: 1x100 reps.
Hams, calf, ABduct, ADduct, back ext.: 5x10 all, short breaks/hard pumping.
Speed pulls: 8x2/ 1@ 315, 365
10x1@ 365, 60 sec. rest.
10x1@ 315, 30 or less rest.
Leg+knee raise: 3x5+10
Lying Hams: 4x8
Pulldowns: 6x10
DB laterals: 5x10
Seat Hams: 4x15
Calf: 4x15
Big leg press: 4x15
Some single leg B.S…all the above @ hard, stretch/flexing reps.
Not enough to eat= wore out quick, didn’t want to push it.