I forgot why I came to this site in the first place and started farting around about politics, the economy and a bunch of other shit that I have no impact at all on, strangely I also stopped keeping a log and started skipping workouts to the tune of weeks at a time. I recently realized that arguing politics on a website that I joined in an effort to be accountable for my weight training was absolutely ridiculous. So…
About me:
I am 44 years old, I am 18 hands tall and I weigh about 23 stone, I like these measurements because they seem very proportionate, unlike that fucked up 'Standard English" system that makes me look fat.
I will list my current best lifts, but first this little caveat, I am old and truly busted up. I have a fused left ankle (which makes squatting and deadlifting a chore and a half), I have had 5 or 6 knee surgeries (depending on the level of invasive-ness necessary for it to qualify as a surgery) and I have 5 herniated discs (which also makes squatting and dead lifting hard) oh and I had a discectomy in 2006 on the L2-L3 disc.
Now before you tell me about your one legged pirate cousin that squats 725 and pulls 800, let me tell you I do not care (and by that I mean I am embarrassed if it is true), also he should get himself a blog, because that is pretty cool. All told I have had 14 (or 13) separate surgeries (plus a couple of clean-ups of previous disasters) in my adult life and they all sucked. I should actually count each one twice since most were performed by third world assassins at the various VA Hospitals I have had the sheer dumb luck to frequent.
Alright, enough stalling, remember these are my sad old man lifts, I hope they will improve over the next few years. I haven’t done a 1 RM in awhile so these are what I have available to work with.
Bench (Paused)- 425x3
Squat- 455x3
Deadlift- 515 x3
Triples = Cardio.
I will be using the “science” of auto-regulation so %'s may vary wildly from day to day, what will remain constant is the idea of using big compound lifts with some slight variations (grip width, use of bands/chains etc) in an effort to blast my body into a new stratosphere of growth and strength gains, or to the very doorstep of euthanasia.
Sorry for the long winded first post, but I figure starting new= a new start.
Here are my first two workouts:
Day One
Paused Bench- Warm-Ups- 335x3,355x3, 365x2, 385x2, 395x2
Deadlifts- Warm-Ups- 315x3, 365x3, 405x3, 425x2, 445x2
BBell Rows- No Warm-Ups- 225x5x5x5x5x5
Overhead Press- No Warm-Ups- 135x5, 185x3, 205x3x3
Hammer DBell Curls- 70’s x5x5x5
Day Two
Paused Bench-Warm-Ups- 335x2, 355x2, 365x2, 375x2, 385x2
Deadlifts w/Fat Gripz- 225x3, 275x3, 315x2x2x2 (yes this is sort of cheating)
BBell Rows- 225x3, 245x3, 255x3, 265x3x3
OHP Behind the Neck- 135x5, 185x5, 205x3x3
Hammerd Dbell Curls- 75’s x5x5x5
My goal is strength (and health), I would like to compete in another meet in March/April so I am hoping that this new accountability will get me back on track.
Thanks for reading.