Shed training at a buddies place.
Misc. warms: 8x25
Bench: 5x5/ 2x3/ 1@ 225, 235, 245.
1 DB rows: 5x15@ 50.
1 DB press: 8x5 @ 50.
Sunshine and B.S…
Shed training at a buddies place.
Misc. warms: 8x25
Bench: 5x5/ 2x3/ 1@ 225, 235, 245.
1 DB rows: 5x15@ 50.
1 DB press: 8x5 @ 50.
Sunshine and B.S…
Lying Hams: 8x8
Squats: 3x3
Paused reps: 3x3/ 1@ 225, 265, 295.
DB Tri’s extensions + curls: 3x15+15 w/10’s. Slow, flexing, making light weight feel heavy
Leg Press machine: 8x8, same as above.
Dip machine: 3x25
Cable row: 3x25
DB mid-incline: 4x8/ 4x8@65’s
Flat/ hammer grip DB’s: 2x10/ 6x10@ 60’s
Cable pulldowns: 3x15
Barbell curls + cross-body DB’s: 2x25+30
Lying Hams: 5x8
Abs and back raise: 2x10+10
Leg extensions: 5x8
Leg press machine: 5x8.
All above done with very short breaks.
Squats: 8x3/ 1@ 225, 75, 95, 315. Better than last time= win.
Close stance/box: 6@ 225, 245/ 3@ 265
Rolled and stretched a bit.
Warms: 8x25
Cable fly + single Tri’s: 3x15+10+10
Decline DB’s: 4x8/ 5x5@ 80’s
Cable pushdowns: 4x12/ 4x8
DB rear delts: 4x15
4 days off sucks, no matter what else I’m doing…
Busy gym, so I’m all over the place.
Band/cables: 6x10/ 6x15
Hams: 3x15
Hang knees: 3x10
Seated hams: 5x10
Leg press machine: 5x15
Calf: 3x15
Bar curls: 3x15
Rope curls: 3x15
Cable/ fly + 1arm raise: 3x15+10+10
Hammer Inc. machines: 6x8
DB mid-Inc.: 4x6/ 4x6@ 65’s + 10rep drop finish.
Cable pushdowns: 8x8
1 arm rows@ 100lbs DB: alternated sets of 5 then 3reps back and forth, non-stop= 30 per side.
ABduct/ ADuct/ Abs/ back-glute raise: 2x25 each.
Box SQ/parallel: 6x3/ 1@ 315, 355, 385.
G.M.'s: 5@ 225, 245, 265, 285, 305.
Leg extensions: 8x8
Leg + knee raises: 3x5+10.
Leg press machine: 5x15
Bench: 6x5/ 5x5@ 185.
Decline (slight) DB’s: 8@ 40, 50, 60, 70, 80’s
Rolling Tri’s: 8x8@ 30’s, quick breaks.
Hams: 5x8
Pull/row/RDL: 3x15
1@ 325, 355, 385.
3x1@ 415…forgot to add weight, just did 3x1 here.
3x3@ 365
Reverse hyper off box: 3x20
Seated cable rows: 20, 15, 10
Straight arm pulldowns+ pushdowns: 3x15+15
Decline DB’s: 10@ 40,55’s/ 5@ 70, 80, 90’s/ 3x5@ 80’s.
Mid-Incline DB’s: 10@ 50, 60/ 3x10@55’s.
Rolling DB Tri’s: 2x8@ 35’s/ 6x8@ 40’s
Barbell curls: 3x15@ 45.
Warms: 8x20
Seat/DB press: 4x15
Bench: 6x3/ 3x1@ 225
Wide grip: 3x10
Shrug machine: 5x15
Curl machine: 5x10
Seat cable row: 3x15
DB curls: 2x30
Warms: 8x25
Sumo/speed pulls: 16x3.
Pendlay rows: 3x5/ 3x5@ 205
Big leg press: 5x15, painful quads.
Pulldowns: 5x8, pretty hard.
Calf: 2x25/ 2x15
Back raise: 2x25
SQ: 6x5/ 5x5@ 225
Stiff leg pulls: 4x5@ 225
45* back ext.: 5x5 +45.
Leg press machine: 5x15, hurting quads
Alternating DB’s: 3x40 @ 30’s
Rope/hammer curls: 3x15
Cable fly + single Tri’s: 3x15+15
Bench: 6x5/ 5x5@ 195
Decline DB’s: 8@ 40, 50, 60, 75
Lying Tri’s extensions: 4x12@ 30’s
DB curls: some, I think.
Hams: 5x12
Back raise + Abs: 3x15+15
Squat: 4x5
Paused SQ: 5x3/ 1@ 265, 295, 315.
G.M.'s: 3x10@ 185
DB curls: 3x20…why not.
Cable fly + Tri’s: 4x15+15.
Bench: 6x3/ 3x3@ 215
Close grip: 4x8@ 155
Decline DB’s: 5@ 50, 50, 70, 80’s
Standing DB press: 2x20@ 35’s
Ball crunch: 2x20
Hang leg raise: 3x10
Weds/Thurs last= dentist and kinda sick, then a busy/project weekend.
Back at it tonight.
Warms: 10x15
Calf: 4x15
Leg press machine: 5x15
Hang knee raise: 5x10
ADuct & ABduct machines: 3x15 each.
Upper band stuff: 1x150
Warms: 8x15
Floor press:
6x5/ 5@ 165, 195, 225/ 1@ 245, 55, 265
Mid-Inc. DB’s: 8@ 40, 50/ 4x8@ 60’s + 8 rep drop to finish. Hard flexing, paused at a deep stretch= sweet.
DB laterals: 5x15
Seat cable rows: 2x25.