Warms: 10x10
Floor press:
3x5/ 3x3/ 3@ 235, 45, 255. All hard/paused reps.
Close grip: 3x5@ 225
DB decline: 4x8/ 4x8@ 60’s. Paused for all…
Pushdowns: 4x12
Pulldowns: 4x12
DB curls: 4x25
Warms: 10x10
Floor press:
3x5/ 3x3/ 3@ 235, 45, 255. All hard/paused reps.
Close grip: 3x5@ 225
DB decline: 4x8/ 4x8@ 60’s. Paused for all…
Pushdowns: 4x12
Pulldowns: 4x12
DB curls: 4x25
Warms: 4x8/ 4x15
Box Squat/ parallel:
6x3/ 3@ 315, 345, 375, 395. 30lbs PR from a month ago, but last time was a little ‘loose’.
G.M.'s: 3x15
Rev. hyper/ off box: 3x15
Circuit: 6x15
Pec deck + Rear: 3x15+15
Decline DB’s: 6@ 30, 50, 70/ 4x6@ 80’s. Hard pause and flex.
DB Flys: 3x15@ 30’s.
DB laterals: 3x15/ 1 drop set 15+15.
Seat cable row: 4x10, short breaks.
Lying DB Tri’s extensions: 3x15, hard stretch and flex…
Calf machine: 3x15
Leg press: same.
Standing Abs: 3x15
Cable curls: same. All above with good stretch and smooth reps.
V-Squats: 3x15
Stiff/Rdl’s: 8x6
Cable fly: 3x15
Cable laterals: 3x15.
Good, hard reps all the way.
Back at work after 12 days off- Zero training while traveling.
Pumping party and gym stuff tonight.
Pump Party= short rests, hard stretch/flexing all the way.
Leg press/ Calf/ Hams: 3x15 each.
Pulldowns/ Tri’s/ Rear delts: same.
Hang leg raise: 3x15
Hams/ ADduct/ Calf: 3x15
Leg extensions: 3x15
All right at 60mins.
Pec deck/ rear delts: 3x15 each.
Flat DB press: 3x15/ 3x10/ 3x8. Paused/stretched.
DB laterals: 3x15
DB seated press: 3x15
Cable Tri’s: 4x15
Warms: some
Conv.+Sumo pulls: 8x2 each, going up.
Conv.: 8x1@ 365, 30 or less rest.
2x3@ 315
V-SQ machine: 5x10@ 300.
Hammer Inc.: 3x15
DB curls: 5x10 each, alternated non-stop.
Cable/shoulder press: 3x15.
Zac Brown Band tonight- Swan Lake tomorrow night.
Sounds awesome. Enjoy.
Thanks- we certainly did.
ZBB is a great band; lots of talent onstage and a heck of a lot of fun.
Swan Lake is bad ass too: great music, and the usual forbidden ‘man vs. swan’ love story…
Warms all over: 12 or so X 15.
Box SQ/parallel:
8x2/ 1@ 315, 55, 385, 405. +10lbs from 3 weeks ago.
Big leg press: 4x12, paused/stretched.
Ab wedge?/ Crunch: 4x12
Hanging leg raise: 4x12
Cable/rope curls: 4x15…forgot to stop at 12
Lots of pause/stretch/flexing throughout.
Calf/bent: 3x15/ 3x10
Pec deck & Rear fly: 3x15 each.
Inc. DB: 4x12/ 3x8/ 8+8 drop finish. Deep paused/stretched.
Assist. Dips: 3x10
Assist Chins: 3x10
DB laterals + press: 3x10+10
Calf/straight: 3x15
Lower: 6x25
Box SQ/ wide/ speed sets:
10x2/ 10x2 @ 30secs.
SQ: 2x10
Shrug machine: 5x15
1 arm rows: 3x15 @ 80.
EZ curls + reverse curl: 3x15+15.
Warms: 8x15
Block pulls@ 6"
2x10, 6, 4/ 1@ 365, 405, 425, 445, 455. No straps= getting my grip back.
Bent rows: 1x 5x5 cluster @ 135.
1 arm DB rows: 5@ 80, 80, 100, 110/ 1x25@ 60.
DB pullover: 2x25@ 30
Hang leg raise: 3x15
Machine fly: 4x12…jumped on a platform.
Close grip/ pin press, 3" off chest:
2x10, 5, 3/ 3@ 225, 235/
2x5@ 205
2x8@ 185
Mid=Inc. DB’s: 12@ 35,35, 40, 50.
Cable laterals: 6x10
Resisted the urge to do more B.S…
Simple, painful.
Leg extensions: 8x15
Seat Hams machine: 8x15
SQ: 8x5
OHP + close ‘grip’ pushups: 5x 5+10
Warms: some
Block pulls @ 4":
10x2/ 1@ 365, 415, 435, 445.
2x5@ 365
Lying Hams: 4x8/ 8+8 drop finish.
Pulldowns: 5x10
Shrug machine: 2x15/ 2x10/ 10+15 drop finish.
Mid. Incline DB’s: 4x12/ 4x8@ 60’s. Paused @ stretched.
Hammer super-Inc. machine: 6x12.
Hammer/seated 1 arm rows: 6x12
1 arm/ cable Tri’s: 6x12 each
Last 4 days= mostly sick== no training.
Back to it tonight, for as much as I can.
Pump Party.
Seat Hams: 4x15
Calf: same
Back/glute raise: 4x15
Abs: same
DB laterals: 4x15
DB Curls: same.