I believe that I may be suffering from residual HPTA dysfunction due to the manifestation of symtoms detailed in the relevant section of Di Pasquale’s "Anabolic Steroid Side Effects; Facts, Fiction & Treatment, namely: fatigue, occasional depression, a noticably low sex drive and poor sexual performance.
I am reluctant to consult my physician regarding this as a condition of my present employment means that my employers are able to have access to medical records.
I am 36years old and my steroid usage in the last 12 months has consisted of one eight week course (test enanthate, deca, and propionate) prior to an event followed by an off period of about twelve weeks. Then two 2-week cycles of primo, winstrol and propionate with four weeks off inbetween.
For the 8week course I did not have/use any clomid or hcg, and was a little “flat” for a few weeks afterwards, but everything seemed to return to normal. A blood check showed all liver readings etc to be normal (no test was done for serum test levels though). During and after the two-week cycles I used clomid.
It’s now over six weeks since my last two week cycle and I still have a noticably decreased sex drive, noticably decreased volume of ejaculate, seem to fatigue easily and cannot tolerate any real volume of training, along with being a little down (mildly depressed) generally - although this last one I tend to blame on the others!
I have access to clomid and hcg via my usual sources. What should I do?! Advice PLEASE!!