Hey guys,
I posted a message about a month ago about low T levels. Basically I was having problems with fatigue etc. despite a well thought out diet and training plan. I had my T tested and it came back at 262 ng/dl, and based on the time and day of the test, this was probably a high level for me. This is very low, especially considering I'm 24 years old. The doctor at the student health center was very closed minded and wouldn't do anything to help me, and I had very few options due to lack of health insurance.
I went through a bottle of Red Kat. It didn't do much for me, but that's probably because of my situation more than a fault in the product.
I was hoping to stick this out until I graduate and get health insurance, but things are getting worse. I had some mild sexual disfunction before, but that problem has gotten a lot worse in the past moonth. I have some desire, but getting it up is the problem.
I went back to the doctor, not expecting any help with T levels. I just planned on begging for some Cialis. Turns out there's a new doctor at the student health center. She saw my previous test and decided to test me again. I was surprised (in a good way) and she said she wanted to test my free T, prolactin, and thyroid hormone. I tried to get her to test LH as well, but she didn't go for that. At least I'm getting another chance.
She refused to give me any Cialis or Viagra, because she won't prescribe it to anyone my age. So that's still a major problem, because my relationship with my girl has been falling apart. She's been very patient but both of us are running out of patience now. If this doctor won't help me at my followup appointment on Thursday, I really need to do something about this.
The immediate problem is the sexual disfunction. Let's say the tests say about the same thing as before, but the doc still won't help me. SPE recommended Clomid to me before. For someone in my situation, do you think a drug like Cialis or Viagra, or Clomid would be the better option to get some sexual ability back?
So basically I've rambled a lot about the situation. But my other question is, based on this situation, besides bitch slapping the doctor if she won't help me, do you have any suggestions for other steps I should take after Thursday if the doc won't help me again? Again, regaining sexual function is the main thing I need. After that, do you think it might be a good idea to start hrt on my own, then going to a doctor and saying "Look, this is what I'm doing, please help me so I can do this legally, or else I'll continue without supervision from an MD"
This whole situation is very frustrating and having a big impact on many aspects of my life. I can answer any questions if it would help you give advice. Thanks