Athletic pendulum questions
Trying to put together an athletic pendulum, really just had some questions. Basically my chosen athletic pursuits are martial arts and gymnastics, however I love lifting weights, and looking good nekid. So while my primary goals, are movement oriented, i.e. moving well while performing martial arts and gymnastics, I would still like to look nice. Getting down to it; my questions are: 1) does anyone have any suggestions on exercise selection for the functional power (both, strength-speed, and speed-strength) swings, and 2) what are your opinions on using a ?mild? (see 3, not 5 sets) form of OVT for the structural swings.
Here is what my week looks like if that helps at all. M, W, F, and Sunday (sometimes) I can weight train. I do gymnastics on Tuesday and Thursday in the afternoon. And I hit a martial arts class, pretty much whenever I can, usually Thursday night, Saturday, and/or Sunday morning. My schedule I pretty tight so I would like to spend my time in the gym as efficiently as possible.
Thanks a ton, sorry for the longish post (liberal arts major in college, we tend to get wordy)