I have a question but don’t use facebook.
On Friday you have Farmers Walk and then Dead-Squat Carry.
Aren’t they pretty much the same exercise?
Or would you like us to use dumbbells for the Farmers Walk before transitioning to the Dead-Squat Carry.
I have a question but don’t use facebook.
On Friday you have Farmers Walk and then Dead-Squat Carry.
Aren’t they pretty much the same exercise?
Or would you like us to use dumbbells for the Farmers Walk before transitioning to the Dead-Squat Carry.
It’s (a) to give you a mental break (doing the same thing for 2 min is hard)
(b) to reduce the need for stabilization, so when the stabs are tired you can keep going with a less demanding move.
I have similar issue as I don’t use facebook as well.
But great article!! I just finished going through it. Loved it. Just a couple of questions, due to school and work I can only get in the gym 4 days a week so is it possible to do all 5 days on rotation, For example do Days 1, 2, 3, 4 (just the lifting ones, omitting energy work) for Week 1 and then do Days 5,1,2,3 for week 2 and so on?
Also how long should one perform this routine consistently, 12 weeks and then change to something else?
And I know you mentioned it being a fat loss program but it is intended for athletic performance right? Like can it help one’s vertical jump if that was also the goal or would that be completely separate type of training?
Huge fan of your work! Loved your 6 Weeks to Superhero program so needless to say I was pretty ecstatic when I saw this one.
Would you see any issue with doing some direct arm work while going through this program? I just purchased the new book Charles Poliquin released and wanted to add this on to your program. And if so, which days would it be best for me to add it on to.
Hey CT, loving the look of this program and I will be starting it on Monday to cut some fat after I gained bit of fat during my time on 915 (BTW an awesome strength program!) The only problem is that I workout in a commercial gym with no high ceilings or a brick wall to throw medicine balls at so I was wondering what would be an alternative for the med ball complex? I was thinking i could Kettle bell swing to overhead, Med Ball chest throw to the floor, medicine ball overhead toss (Sitting down) & med ball slam? Lemme know what you think.
We are dead lifting heavy 3 times a week on this program. I feel like this could possibly hinder recovery? I have never dead lifted more than once a week and was always told by my coached to not dead lift heavy more than once or twice a week. I am just curious and please correct me if I am wrong. Thanks
[quote]jvella wrote:
Also I forgot to mention something else.
We are dead lifting heavy 3 times a week on this program. I feel like this could possibly hinder recovery? I have never dead lifted more than once a week and was always told by my coached to not dead lift heavy more than once or twice a week. I am just curious and please correct me if I am wrong. Thanks[/quote]
Tell that to Norwegian and Russian powerlifters who deadlift and squat 5-6 days a week. Or to most Olympic lifters who squat daily.
Can you offer some alternatives for explosive upper body exercises. My gym does not offer battling ropes and the medecine ball selection is very limited. I know this may be a hassle but I am really excited about this program and would like to get the most out of it. I appreciate any insight you could offer. Thank you.
[quote]nickj_777 wrote:
On the cardio day it says B sprint and B bike is it supposed to be B1 and B2 alternating?[/quote]
If you read the footnote it says these are alternate exercises, meaning you have a choice - you can either choose running OR biking for your exercises.
I hate the new Facebook comment format. You can’t get a quality discussion going and the editors sometimes post things that get in the way of the article of the day. While I enjoy the motivational posters to an extent, I don’t want to have to scroll through 10 of them in order to read the discussion on the latest Dan John or CT article (DJ and CT being the 2 authors I find worth reading these days).
Hi Christian, would a routine where one would do Heavy lifting 3-5 Days a week and then 2 Days of a mix of carries, sled dragging/pushing, med ball slamming etc and maybe kettlebell swings give a somewhat similar effect and maybe be used for a much longer period of time?
Would it be possible to substitute sled pushing instead of the 200m-400m sprints?
I remember in another forum topic “The Complete Power Look Program” you stated that 55-85m can be used for conditioning.
What would you recommend for substitutions for the Trap Bar deadlift/Dead Squat bar on Monday and for battling ropes? I work out at a commercial gym and don’t have either of these. Should be able to do everything else. Program looks solid and planning on doing it soon, when I finish my current program.