[quote]Chris Colucci wrote:
[quote]jake_richardson wrote:
On a side note: does the OHP help with upper chest development?[/quote]
“Upper chest development” is a total non-concern when we’re talking about an in-season athlete’s training.
[quote] WORK OUT 1
Banded Rack pull
Bench press
Chin ups
Goblet squat/Lunges
Lateral Raises & Face Pulls
Ab Work- Plank, TRX
Over head press
Incline DB Bench press
Ab Work-Cable crunches, Toes to bar[/quote]
One of the keys for in-season training, when performance on the field is the number one priority and the weight room is a clear second/maybe third, is that you want to do the minimum necessary in the gym, for volume and exercise selection. Each exercise should have a clear and specific purpose, and should contribute to the bigger (short term) picture.
Of course performance comes before the gym, I just do not want too loose muscle/strength.
Can you squat, row, and RDL in one session and then run hard the next day? If so, cool. If not, change it. Are banded rack pulls the best choice or would trap bar deads do a similar or better job? Do you need to do laterals now, or can you get along without them for the next four months? That kind of stuff.
I don’t have access to a trap bar, I just feel the bended rack pull is a good option, I should just drop the exercises that arent that major.
What’s the purpose of these heavier/low rep complexes - Strength building? Conditioning? Fat loss? I wouldn’t say you need complexes for conditioning when you have three intense cardio sessions/practices plus a game each week.[/quote]
Just for conditioning, should i just drop these?
Ill keep it basic 1-2 days of resistance training a week, with proper rest after, focusing on form not the weight. The running, hitting, and general game play is more than enough to keep me in great shape.