Once I did my 2 month blood work I decided to cut for 2 months (still cutting when I did my 4month bloodwork) and my test has dropped from 669 to 517. I’m now being advised to PCT with tamoxifen and then rest for a month while eating at or above maintenance (stop cutting)
Any advice would be appreciated. Did I not fully recover and need the PCT? I understand my cut can be lowering my test levels but 517 seems low compared to my 965 pre cycle baseline.
Sorry I wasn’t sure what forum to put it in. I didn’t get my LH tested but my FH was 1.9… I was coming off a pretty aggressive cut without doing a lot of training. Was still doing the cut at the time of 4 month bloods and I did the test at 3 which I know are all things you shouldn’t do now. I can go back and get my LSH tested if I need
Also off topic but whats the difference between free test and free test direct? Numbers seems drastically different and the reference ranges are way bigger. The first one says anything over 26 would be high and in the latest one i did it says anything below 35 is low. (comparing first test to my last one)
I really do not know. The reference ranges appears to be estimatives for age group. What is your age?
Your free test and e2 were stable in the last two bloodworks.
I believe it is more important to know how the free test of 80 pg/ml correlates to the 17,6 pg/ml pre cycle than to worry about the 965 total.
I can go get it done, I stopped cutting im eating at or above maintenace and this time ill do it in the morning not at 3PM after a 15 hour fast… ( i was getting a lipids and metabolics panel as well thats why i fasted)
So now what do i do I keep receiving mixed opinions. Some are telling me to run tamo for a month and PCT, others are telling me to stop cutting, eat at or above maintenance, and retest in a month earlier in the AM and i should be good. Unsure what to do thats why I came here for better advice haha