This is my first time posting here, but I have learned a lot from this site. I have some questions about normal recovery from a cycle.
I did my first cycle ever of test E starting back in October 2020 : 500 mg/ week for 8 weeks. Nolva for 4 weeks after. I have the unique advantage of working in a hospital lab where I can ask a phleb to draw me and sneakily run my own bloods.
Pre cycle my test level was 604 and E2 was 29. (also ran comp metabolic panels and everything was normal throughout so I won’t mention again).
2 weeks post cycle (right before pct) my test level was 235, E2 was 20 and LH undetectable (nothing surprising).
2 weeks later test was 352 and LH was 1.58 (normal range). I am happy at this point because the PCT seems to be working.
Fast forward about 5 weeks, I am done with pct for a while now and my test level is only at 364. Barely any higher than it was 5 weeks prior and I am slightly disappointed. Everything else is normal.
I plan on testing again soon because I want to start another similar cycle. Is this a normal or a slow recovery? I’m at the point now where I have been off cycle as long as I was on, and that is not including the 4 week pct. Conventional wisdom says I have waited long enough to go back on, but should I wait until my test has recovered to pre-cycle levels? Is it realistic that it would EVER go back to 600 after I messed with my endocrine system?
First and foremost, I don’t think I would’ve run a cycle if I had that natural test level, that’s pretty damn good. Not judging, but I am jealous of your normal test levels.
Second, at what point did you start your PCT? Did you start immediately after your last pin or did you wait 2-3 weeks? You may try another 4 weeks of nolva and see if that helps
Third, did you get bloods taken at all during cycle? I am curious what that number was
Fourth, If you’re running test E, I think the general concensus is to run it 12-16 weeks due to its long ester. Test Prop would be a much better choice for an 8 week cycle
There’s always a chance that you’ll never fully recover back to pre-cycle levels. That’s the risk you accept when you start taking performance enhancing drugs.
As for the recovery time between cycles: that’s highly individual but typically what seems to be recommended is time off should be equal to or greater than time on, including PCT. So if your cycle was 8 weeks, your PCT was 4 weeks and the time between your last pin and PCT was 3 weeks; that’s 15 weeks. So it would be recommended to be off at least 15 weeks before the next cycle.
Of course you’re an adult and can choose to hop back on whenever you like.
As @Veteq said, it’s possible that your natural levels will never be where they once were after you start messing with this stuff. If I were you, I would very happy with ~400 test levels at this point.
That being said, do remember that natural levels are not like enhanced levels. They fluctuate wildly throughout the day, when you eat, train etc. It may be worth having your blood drawn again at a different time of day and seeing if the results are any different. If I remember correctly; fasted, first thing in the morning is when they will be highest.
I’ve been lifting for well over a decade natural. Been wanting to juice since I was in high school but luckily wasn’t stupid enough to do so. Im 29 now so I gave it a go. I waited 2 weeks after last pin to start pct.
I did run bloods one time during cycle mostly to see if my stuff was legit. My test was through the roof. Over 2000. (This might be excessive. I really don’t know what it should be on-cycle.)
My next cycle will be longer on test e. I had supply issues, covid issues etc.
I have no symptoms of low t and I actually feel pretty great in the gym and in general so I am not really looking for a fix of any kind. My real question is, do I decide when it’s ok to go back on cycle based on time elapsed or based on labs?
Like I said, I didn’t mean it as any judgement towards you, that’s what this forum is for, risk mitigation with respect to AAS use.
It’s possible your HPTA axis didn’t restart properly, but it is also possible that your levels will never return to normal.
General rule of thumb is time off = time on + PCT length. But that is to help with restart of HPTA axis as well as letting your body function normally for a bit, as well as letting your AR’s get a break from being overloaded. If you aren’t recovering like you had hoped, or don’t care about full recovery, you could go for another cycle now (it looks like you’ve been off cycle for 3-4 months?).
That’s a great point about not being restarted properly. My nolva was actually pretty suspect. Came in capsules which I broke open and was white and fluffy like it should be but I was expecting tablets. I asked the guy what the mg was and he said “idk just take one a day” (I’m rolling my eyes as I type). So best case scenario I probably took 20/20/20/20. And then he went ghost so I had no choice.
Anyway, yes it has been over 3 months after pct and I have a totally different and much better source. So I think I’ve convinced myself I’m ready for another cycle haha. Thanks for taking the time my dude
When I read your first few posts it sounded like the nolva was bunk. Your LH is in range if I understand correctly or at least not undetectable anymore?
Yeah LH is in range now. I have good and properly dosed tamoxifen on hand but now I’m just thinking of going back on cycle and using the good nolva for pct after