Assistance lifts check

I have changed my assistance lifts a couple of times since starting 531 bbb a few months ago and I would like some feedback to see if im doing anything wrong thanks
Day 1: dips, lat pulldown, hanging leg raise, ez bar curl
Day 2: incline bench, seated machine row, ab wheel, lateral raises
Day 3: dips, lat pulldown, hanging leg raise, incline dumbbell curl
Day 4: incline bench, seated machine row, ab wheel, lateral raises

You gotta tell us if you’re doing anything wrong!

You have trouble with your lats. Do you feel your lats on pulldowns and rows? Are you making progress?

You have trouble maintaining a neutral back in the deadlift. When you do ab rolls and hanging leg raises does your torso stay neutral, with all the motion in your hip joints? Like the deadlift is supposed to be? Or does your spine flex and bend and your back extend and round during the ab moves?

I don’t see any hamstring work. If you’re having trouble with the deadlift and the hinging motion, leg curls or back raises or something might help.

For hanging leg raises my lower back starts to hurt. I will add in leg curls and see how much it helps.

Try leg raises off a bench, or Dead Bugs or decline situps. Or any ab move where you can hold your ribs and pelvis “stacked” and your back neutral.

After you make some progress with those, maybe go to hanging Knee raises. Or hanging leg raises 1 leg at a time, for awhile. Go with an easier move, then a medium move, then rebuild back up to the hanging leg raises.

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