Assault Runner Treadmill

Wondering if anyone has used the Assault runner

I currently have an old Precor treadmill that will soon need replaced.Use it mostly for walking on non lifting days. Rarely run on it

Seems like the assault treadmill more closely approximates real walking

Thoughts ?

Not many responders. Did you ever get your treadmill.

No. Still using the Precor. Probably doing using it about 3 times per week either after lifting or between lifting days. Nothing stressful. Ultimately I think I just decided what I have is good enough for the limited amount of time I spend on it.

Thanks for checking in, brother


You Bet!

I got all excited to see a new post in this thread. I have an old NordicTrack, which I honestly expected to die years ago, but at some point it has to give. So I’m always looking for others’ impressions.

When you’re faced with replacing it, you might try finding a gym that has the assault runner and pay the one-time fee to get in. I did that before buying my Concept2. Paid $5 or $10 or whatever just to play with one. I probably spent 15 minutes there before deciding “yes, this works” and leaving.

Always fun to talk equipment

I like walking outside, but, where I live there can be snow and ice 5-6 months per year. Last year slipped on the ice and fell. Didn’t get hurt but it was no fun trying to get back up.

I recently started walking backwards at an incline on my precor. That and pulling my prowler backwards has reallly helped with knee pain from an old injury from back in the glory days

I’m sure you can walk backwards on the assault runner but don’t believe you can incline it

You must live near me!

We’re snowy, too. I live near the Appalachian Trail and spend weekends in the woods (there are lots of trails, not just that one) hiking or snowshoeing, but I need something for early mornings and the road outside my house is not it for a number of reasons. People zooming along on narrow country roads drinking their coffee and adjusting the heat or a/c, the effort it takes to get dressed for a 30 minute walk/run, the guilt I feel leaving the ultra-slow dog behind, etc.

The treadmill, on the other hand, is meditative for me. I don’t have to watch where I walk, I can have the music blare and match pace to the tempo, can play with incline and speed…I just have always loved it.

Walking outside for me is about enjoying the outdoors, and that’s best done with my husband and dog. The treadmill lets me be in my head. Me-time.

Understand what you’re saying

I’m in a small town in the Midwest - super friendly people

When walking outside, people frequently either stop and ask if I need a ride or just stop to talk

Have a great weekend

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I have an old fashioned manual treadmill. It is not old, but old style. The model Roger Bannister may have trained on. I just use it for walking. I live in the high desert, but also get snow and ice. Plus dogs. We keep ours in the yard, but others let theirs go anywhere. Just best to treadmill.

New England here.

It’s nice to have the ability to walk or run in the house.

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