You see what people don�??t realize as we are all unique on the outside; we are also unique on the inside in regards our biological make, organ sizes and placement, the way our cells in our bodies function, this includes bones cells, skin cells and muscles cells etc, etc and the average human the around 100 trillion cells in the body.
As everyone�??s cells function differently from everyone else�??s the nutrient requirements will differ from one person to the next. As an example when we look back a thousand years ago when our ancestors only used to eat raw foods in their environments they were in effect eating for their Metabolic Type or biological make up without even know it. This is because their bodies evolved towards their environments and the foods contained in their environment. Here is to classic examples the Eskimos had a diet high in protein and good fats and very low in if at all in carbohydrates and the native Indians had a diet high in carbohydrates and very low in fats and protein. Both types of tribes were very healthy and strong, had no disease or were overweight. It has been proven by a guy called Weston A Price who studied these tribe found out some of them were as strong as Olympic athletes and they probably never seen a gym in their lives.
But as pretty much every human being except the last surviving tribes on this planet, is a melting pot of different races, genes as human started to travel all over the world with no distinct metabolic type. There are three simple classifications for metabolic type, they are:
Protein types (E.g. Eskimos)
Require 70% fats/ protein 30% carbohydrates
Mixed types (E.g. Swiss ancestors)
Require 50% fat/ protein 50% carbohydrates
Carbohydrate types (Native Indians)
Require 30% fat/protein 70% carbohydrates
They need these ratios of macronutrients in their diets, so they are able function physically, mentally at optimal levels and to sustain optimal health.
Theses three groups are a simple classification and the percentages are a rough guideline and for example you could have two protein types and the percentages could vary slightly. Metabolic typing is a lot more complex than this, but I want to keep it a simple a possible for now. In short it is work out from the autonomic nervous system and the oxidative system which also vary in ph level, people are either more dominant in other or the other of these systems in their body. I won�??t go into these systems in this article, but the Metabolic typing questionnaire determines what system the individual is dominant in, and wherever they are a protein, mixed or carbohydrate type.
So see you could have a bodybuilder or an athlete who is on a high protein diet as most of them are and could very well be a carbohydrate type. All this excessive protein will have adverse reactions on his health, training and recovery capabilities after hard training as it is not correct for his cells in his body. Another example is when Atkinson�??s diet work well for some (the protein types) and wreak havoc on others. Even the protein types need a small amount of carbohydrates that is why all the diets never work for any properly as it goes not address the individual�??s biological uniqueness.
This is why it is a good idea to have your metabolic type check out, before you start a training programme, you would still need to up the calories in your diet if you wanted to get bigger but still making sure your meals were contusive to you metabolic type, this way you will build and bigger, and stronger muscles and most importantly build healthy body from the inside out with whole natural foods.
Here are the benefits of eating for your metabolic type:
�?�Achieve and maintain your ideal weight… Help to lose body fat or build muscle
�?�Eliminate sugar cravings
�?�Improve energy and endurance
�?�Overcome indigestion, fatigue, and allergies
�?�Improve your immune system
�?�Overcome anxiety, depression, and mood swings
�?�Improve athletic performance