anyone else have problems doing any kind of barbell arm curls. The pain starts as I release the bar and then feels like my bone is breaking about halfway down the forearm. Dumbell curls dont hurt as bad if I supinate the wrists but then I dont really get a good workout. I’m doing tons of deadlifts, bent over rows and pullups thinking my grip was weak but those never hurt. put 1 25 on each side of a curl bar and I feel like crying after the 2nd set.any ideas.
I used to have something like that happen, but including reverse curls and more forearm work helped me.
If you’re in pain, then the quality of workout isn’t a question at all.
i get exactly the same thing down the pinky finger side of my fore arm especially after i rack the bar on the preacher curl, it hurts so bad im scared to release the bar coz i know whats coming. I have dropped so much curling strength because of it. think im just gonna concentrate on reverse curls and wrist curls for a while, i can do heavy deads and chins without probs.
[quote]Brant_Drake wrote:
I used to have something like that happen, but including reverse curls and more forearm work helped me.[/quote]
I agree with Brant_Drake here. Your forearm muscles may be too weak, so some of the stress is being transferred to your bones. Try reverse curls, as well as some hammer curls too. Also, experiment with some different angles (like incline or on a preacher bench). But I believe you should focus on strengthening your forearms right now.
Try fat bar rows and pullups as well
Be sure that you are not ‘squeezing’ the bar during the set.
The pain will go away as you get stronger. Don’t worry about it, deal with it.
I didn’t do BB curls for several years due to a wrist problem. When I do them now, I’ll keep them at the end of the workout so that I’m already a little worn down, and don’t have to pile too many plates on the bar. If you’re creative, you can still put some good meat on.
Several exercises I like doing for Bis lately are-
- Non support concentration curls
- Preacher curls with a low cable (I actually drag the bench over to the cable station, dont like the machines they have for this movement)
- Inc DB Curls (palms facing UP the entire movement, I think the whole pronate/supinate thing disengages the biceps a lot)
- Curls behind head (on a pulldown machine - one of Larry Scott’s fav exercises)
[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:
The pain will go away as you get stronger. Don’t worry about it, deal with it. [/quote]
DO NOT DO THIS. That is exactly what i did, and it took awhile to heal because i just kept working throught the pain until it got unbearable. I think I experienced the same pain you talk about, and think i figured it out. I was over curling, every other day usually with barbells,and i think it is a stress facture in your ulna bone.
I completely stopped curling for about 2 months because the pain was so bad it hurt while i was drying my hair. I found that chinups, and light hammer curls didn’t hurt it so if your looking to hit the bicep try those. Also, watch out for spotting on the bench press, it’s been about 4 months since i started feeling this problem, and if i help someone get the bar off their chest during bench i can feel it again.
[quote]ilr614 wrote:
BONEZ217 wrote:
The pain will go away as you get stronger. Don’t worry about it, deal with it.
DO NOT DO THIS. That is exactly what i did, and it took awhile to heal because i just kept working throught the pain until it got unbearable. I think I experienced the same pain you talk about, and think i figured it out. I was over curling, every other day usually with barbells,and i think it is a stress facture in your ulna bone.
I used to feel this, but it went away. As others have pointed out, I think it was just related to getting my forearms strong enough. Reverse curls, pullups, cleans, and rows all contributed to my forearm development.
Yes I don’t do them, pretty sure there is no requirement to do them for big arms.
I used to get this when I first started curling heavy. After a couple of weeks, the pain went away. I believe it was my wrist not being used to the weight.
I have that problem.
It was fixed by doing all hammer and reverse grip. Pain no longer exists.
Had the same problem a while back, go to DB curls for a few months. Then you can ease back into BB curls, but I don’t do BB curls for more than 5 sets per week if that even, everything else is DB. A friend explained it to me once it’s something to do with the bar not allowing your wrist to rotate properly through the range of motion and it irritates the muscles or tendons or somethin’ if you over do it.
I was having similar pain and read something on here about curling your wrists too much. I have been focusing on keeping my wrists from curling while performing barbell and preacher curls and the pain is much less and just about disappearing as of last night.
i used to get pain in my left forearm similar to what you are describing, but in my case, it’s due to breaking it when i was younger and not having it heal perfectly straight.
what i have found is that using the rope that people use for ab pull downs on a low pulley and curling with that tends not to aggravate it as much. if you’re just going for hypertrophy to add size, this might work well for you too.