Are Partial Squats More Effective?

Huh?! If only there were an emoji for ‘grasping at straws’…

yes it is, you need to read some basic muscle physiology

Wouldn’t the opposite also be true then? The weight, in your case, would be too heavy to tax tax the muscles in a more stretched position.

just watch and listen to this

Exercise Physiology | Skeletal Muscle Length-Tension Relationship (

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Full contraction by definition is where you are naturally strongest
what tends to happen is people train incorrectly and end up stronger in other position and interpret themselves as weakest in the full contraction.

This is not to be mistaken with a plate loaded leg extension machine as it follows the strength curve appropriately and is heaviest at the fully contracted position therefor most difficult at the lockout , where as with a full squat it is most easy at lockout,

yes exactly the issue with conventional exercise
if you can handle the weight in the stretched position it is too light to be effective in the contracted position which is actually where all the of the fibers are strongest.
The plate loaded leg extension and the barbell wrist curl’s do not have this problem.

Im not speaking of a lockout , the top quarter of a full squat is not stimulated effectively if you can handle the weight throughout the full squat.

No, don’t confuse highest external force (combination of muscle force AND joint leverages) with maximum muscle force itself.
What you’re saying is flat 100% not true, you need to learn how muscle fibers function. For real, seriously.

Watch that video, it shows how muscle fibers work.

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The problem for you is, even if true, showing what that means in terms of results. So the fibers are stronger there, so what? Will training the way you describe make one a better athlete? A better lifter? Build a better physique?

Here’s what I wonder: someone who trains squats full range of motion will, if he attempts a partial as you describe, be able to lift more even though he never did partials before. The point being, training a full range of motion with what you refer to as a lighter weight, still makes you stronger in the partial position. Can you say training exclusively with partials at only the point you are strongest will make you stronger with a full range of motion squat if you decided to attempt one?


It doesn’t matter if it’s correct because it doesn’t seem logical. That’s his “logic.”

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You can either reverse Band a squat to make it easier at the bottom and overload the top portion more or you could add chains, which are heavier at the top and lighter at the bottom.


Now we can really get into it!

The best way to squat is

All the way down, then half way up, then back down, then all the way up, then half way down, then back up as one rep. With 50% of your max on the bar and 25% of your max added in hanging chains.

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true… that kills me anyone wouldn’t want to understand and ‘know’ how things work

For whom? Most people don’t need, or want, to get that deep (no pun intended) into it. If you aren’t getting results training with a full, relative to you, range of motion, then there is something else going on that needs to be addressed, not the movement.


Have I got a solution for you??!! Post- dermatamyositis (not being strong) I had a squat routine that I did when I wanted a hoot of a good time. Try this when you feel like blasting out of the hole and find a gorilla jumped on your back before you get going.

I liked to start with the 55lb squat bar then strap on a blue band and a green band (from the bottom of course; don’t be a sissy.) “Undampened” bands are almost uncontrollable. Then add a 45lb plate to both sides and the a second 45lb plates to both sides. Now the bands feel “dampened” by the plate weight.

To further increase the fun let’s start adding chains. I liked to work up to 160 to 200lbs of chains. You want resistance at the top? You’ll have it now. It will be around 600lbs at the top. And the high acceleration of the bands will feel freaky bad ass at the top. The good news is the resistance decreases rapidly as you descend into the hole. But brace yourself on the way up; that gorilla is on your back before you get far.

With bands from the bottom you’ll probably need a monolift. Walking out bands from the bottom would be a monster feat.

After that you will never look at Nautilus and Arthur Jones with the same admiration.


Yeah, probably the load the bar or the time under tension. Which are both Optimized with the 1 and half plus a half reps + chains protocol.

no training full range does not allow you to build the muscles involved at their strongest most contracted position.

?. EVERYTHING you’re saying arthur jones has already said and gone beyond proving ineffective for the results. Chains