[quote]Koing wrote:
The dicionary definition of athletic
- physically active and strong; good at athletics or sports: an athletic child.
- of, like, or befitting an athlete.
- of or pertaining to athletes; involving the use of physical skills or capabilities, as strength, agility, or stamina: athletic sports; athletic training.
- for athletics: an athletic field.
- Psychology. (of a physical type) having a sturdy build or well-proportioned body structure. Compare asthenic (def. 2), pyknic (def. 1).
1: check
2: befitting of an athlete? Well she is carrying a higher bf% then the people’s definition here
3: check
4: n/a
5: she has big legs but also a bit stomach…
The thing with a definition is, it’s pretty useless unless people use the ‘same’ definition otherwise it makes no sense. You can’t have people call some arbitary word this, and others to agree it means something else.
So by your definition you woudln’t call a fat (+25% super heavy class) wrestler athletic?
She’s athletic but she could stand to lose 20-30kg?
PS some solid lifts![/quote]
Well, I guess what I consider “athletic” doesn’t jive 100% with the definition. Oh well, I don’t think it changes my opinion much.
And to answer your question about wrestlers, well, firstly, there is no superheavy (unlimited) weight class in wrestling. Internationally it tops out at 120kg for men and 72kg for women, and I think the upper limit in American collegiate wrestling is 285 pounds or something like that. I used to wrestle for a long time, and I did see a number of heavyweight wrestlers who could be considered “fat,” but those generally weren’t the guys who stuck with the sport for a long time. Most of the heavyweight wrestlers I knew weren’t fat as far as I was concerned, they were just big. Regardless, some of them didn’t look overly athletic in say street clothes, but once they got on the mat and you saw how they moved it was obvious they were athletes. That’s one thing wrong with this thread, it’s tough to judge someone based solely on a picture. Maybe if the OP had linked us to a video or something instead of just giving us a picture this thread would have evolved differently.