Anyone Heard of Occursion Training?

Has anyone heard of occursion training? I am not sure sure if i spelled it right but I heard aboutthis type of training and cant find any information on it. If someone has a link or some info on it, I’d appreciate it.

No, but I’ve heard that people who post the same thread 3 times die in an extremely horrible/painful way 85 hours after the creation of said threads.

It’s occlusion training and it’s retarded. It’s an interesting scientific anomaly but I honestly can’t think of a single competitive sport where it would be more useful than the methods already developed, even as an adjunct. Especially if the sport is bodybuilding or powerlifting or strongman.

It’s a method for maximum pump. It’s blocking the blood flow into the muscle during a set. This happens to some degree wth all exercises and that is what causes the pump afterwards. Some lifters still think your muscles pump during exercise, but it is after.

Exercises with enough resistance in the peak contraction are more effective at occluding the flow of blood and consequently giving a better pump as well. It’s a good way of priming a muscle group for a heavier set for the most part.

Some Japanese are totally into it.
Didn’t help them grow any bigger (or any less weird), neither as individuals nor as a nation, so it’s worthless.

(my apologies to the non-weird Japanese, I’m sure you exist :slight_smile:

I thought the subject said “occasional” training. That doesn’t work either.

[quote]Cephalic_Carnage wrote:
Some Japanese are totally into it.
Didn’t help them grow any bigger (or any less weird), neither as individuals nor as a nation, so it’s worthless.
Don’t forget that they have small wrists and therefore a low Butt ceiling. So why even try?

On a more serious note, here’s a way to incorporate it, at least in a limited scope.