[quote]lothario1132 wrote:
mazilla wrote:
at this point i don’t see any difference between a person who calls themselves a doctor and hector at the local taco shop, they are both held to the same standards. woops, it’s ok they are just human, right?
Hector at the taco shop doesn’t get sued by fuckwad lawyers at the drop of a hat. Yeah, they are in the same league of accountability.
The problem here with doctor-hating folks is that they yield the responsibility for their health with unrealistic expectations, and have the crazy idea that some doctor is anything other than a human being. Umm… newsflash: they go poo and everything. Honest. Sometimes it’s stinky in the bathrooms around here.
Quick tip: You guys should look at doctors like medical consultants. I like the analogy someone used with a car mechanic. Get used to the idea that they are not miracle workers, and have many limitations on them, both by the fact that they are not perfect, and also by the fact that they are trying to do a job which is demanding and nearly not worth doing anymore thanks to the crappy hours and insurance nightmares.
Do you want our best and brightest to stop being doctors? Do you want your surgery to be done by C students? Then go ahead and keep up this crappy health care system with all its built-in bullshit. Go ahead and sue whenever you get a fucking hangnail. Call the ambulance when it hurts to pee, and don’t pay your bill afterwards.
Just see what happens then.[/quote]
I used to abhor fuckwad lawyers who drive up the cost of malpractice insurance. Now, my perpsective is different. Any doctor who harms someone should forfeit every cent he’s ever made. I think rising malpractice insurance rates are a good thing- the higher they get, the more they’ll drive out the charlitans who chose the medical profession for any reason other than the love of medicine.
And I agree that patients often have unreaslistic expectations, but this certainly doesn’t apply to me. I’m angry because I feel that my condition has been made worse as a direct result of following the advice of my doctors. I’ve also consulted a large hanful of other doctors in various specialites and found them all to be COMPLETELY and UTTERLY unhelpful. They’ll recommend some kind of imaging when I already know what the problem is, or offer a cortizone injection or some disgusting steroidal anti-inflammatory that will only make everything worse, then tell me to come back in a month if it doesn’t feel better. Better yet, try this worthless topical cream! Fucking topical cream! Seventeen months and the and all this time the answer was some stupid lotion with CELEBREX in it… oh and now my podiatrist is trying to sell me fucking NIKKEN magnets… fuckin A