Working your insurance is definetly a game and an art.
I also think that healthcare and making sure that you are getting what you are paying for is largely your (you in general, not you specifically) own responsibility, because doctors are like personal trainers. Just because someone has a piece of paper and a title, doesn’t mean that they know shit or give a shit about your health, it’s just a job.
Also, like a personal trainer, your doctor, is essentially employed by you. Your doctor is working for you at a rate of what, $100/hr? $200/hr? More? So, if you don’t like something, if you aren’t comfortable with something, if your aren’t safisfied with an answer, if you don’t understand something, you have every right to ask until you do. And if you are still not satisfied, find a new doctor.
And the best doctor is not a mind reader so as much as possible it is important to educate yourself as to what you want/need before you go in. A physical is kind of a vague term. For example, at my current doc, my first physical lasted for hours, and included assorted x-rays, a glucose tolerance test, a battery of blood tests, urine and stool samples, and on and on and on. I have never had a poking and prodding like that! My subsequent physicals have been slightly less invasive, but I was told the initial physical was to establish a point of reference. My previous doc didn’t even do any blood work, he essentially looked in my ears, down my throat, knocked my on the knee, told to lose weight, and sent me on my way.
This doctor has also been instrumental in helping me get things covered by insurance that people can’t believe insurance will cover. I have lost a fair amount of weight, and this fall enjoy an insurance sponsored boob job, among other cosmetic procedures. Insurance also covers my massages, up to three times/week, colon hydrotherapy, accupucture treatments, chiropractic, and facials, and laser hair removal. Seriously. Having a good doc is elemental in working your insurance because proper billing codes and following certain procedures will make all the difference, otherwise what the fuck are you paying for, right?
And, by the way, my insurance is by no means top of the line. It’s just middle of the road, not as good as some, could be worse.