hoping you nice folks at t-nation might have some tips for me. i am a slow loser, when it comes to dropping fat. i am wondering if any people here have suggestions to help speed things up for me, since what i have doing is working, but reallllllly slooooooooow. like not even a pound a week. considering i have at least 20 to lose and that i am fairly muscular to begin with, one would think i would lose relatively easily.
a little background on me: i’ve been training on and off for the last couple of years. for some silly silly reason i decided to eat and drink and drink my way through the summer, resulting in a nice fat gain. i’d guess about 15 pounds, not too pretty! i’m a woman, 29, 5’6", 163#s. i’d like to drop about 20#s of fat; don’t care what the scale says, just like looking and feeling firm.
my diet, let’s see i think i eat very well. (when training and being mindful, obviously this summer was not my best work) i follow a t-dawg based diet, ave 1500-1900 cals/day. get at least 150 grams/protein, about 120ish grams/carbs and 25-40 grams /fat. here’s a sample from yesterday’s food log (yes, i log, weigh and measure my food.)
5:30 am (pre-workout)
protein shake with skim milk, 200 cals, 30 grams protein
another protein shake
2 slices light raisin toast (45 cals each, 8 grams carbs each)
2 tbsp whipped cream cheese
2/3 c light cottage cheese
4 oz roast beef
low carb pita (60 cals, 10 grams carbs)
head of broc steamed
zone bar (be gentle here!)
chicken breast, 6 oz
steamed asparagus
total 1650 cals
180 grams protein
140 grams carbs
38 grams fat
supps, all i take is a multi, fish and flax oil and 2 or 3 ECA homemade stacks.
workouts: i lift 5 days a week, heavy weights, 3 sets of 6-8 reps, with warms up of progressively heavier weights. as many compound movements as possible. my lifting workouts take 35-60 minutes.
tues-arms and abs
as for cardio, m/w/f i do 20-30 mins of cardio on the elliptical or the bike at 75% of max HR. tue/thur/sat i do 25 min of HIIT on the treadmill. and if i have time after work i occasionally will do an extra 20-30 minutes of cardio. thurs nights i play basketball. wed nights and sat mornings i do bikram yoga, a 90 minute class. mostly for stretching to prep for ski season and the stress release.
soooo . . . at this pace i would think i would be dropping weight pretty readily. i’m wondering what else i could/should do. drop cals more? eat more? less cardio? more? try hot rox? find a good trainer? i’m not looking for a miracle or a quick fix. i know better. any suggestions you folks might have would be much appreciated! thanks . . .