Anyone know of any other sites that sell APT knee wraps other than powerwriststraps. Looking to pick up a pair of convict pro’s or black mambas and both are sold out on powerwriststraps
Toys R
Huh? I guess I’m missing the joke there.
I think APT either went, or is in the process of going, out of business.
Liquid, I feel like APT is always in the process of going out of business. It sucks trying to get an order through, but Prowristwraps is the only place that I know of to get wraps from. Its such a pain to get new wraps I’m still using my convicts from 3 or so years ago.
Anything similar to convicts that anyone has used? I’d really like to not have to wait forever to get this and be able to get some work in before nationals in 8 weeks in whatever I get.
I was looking to get some wraps too but they don’t ever seem to have what I want in stock. It’s a damn shame if they go out of business before I even get to try out their convicts :[