Looking to buy a good pair of knee wraps, and am lost as to what the best would be for my particular situation. Right now I have a pair of wraps from Wal Mart, so just about anything will be an improvement. Currently, I wrap my knees as tight as I can, like a cast. I feel alot more secure (knee injury in the not to distant past, like it being in place) with it wrapped tight. My most recent lift, I tripled 515 so not too crazy of numbers, but hopefully that will go up
Was looking at the Metal Mysticals and Inzer Grippers, but am open to any. Thanks!
You can’t go wrong with Inzer Z-wraps. That being said, I tried the Grippers for the first time last week and really liked them. But, I hesitate to make an enthusiastic endorsement after only having used them once.
I think the Inzer Z’s are a step in the right direction. They aren’t overly aggressive, fairly comfortable for someone getting into their first real set of knee wraps, decent performance and they aren’t too costly.
I have been using Titan THPs 2.5m. My buddy has a pair of Ernie Frantz 2.5m knee wraps (I have no idea where he got these). I have also tried APT Convict knee wraps but I don’t know how much I like them.
I would recommend borrowing different ones from people if you know anybody that has a pair. Like others have said, you can’t really go wrong with Inzer. I think finding a wrapping style you like and someone who can do it well is more important at this point than the actual wraps themselves.
Convicts and THP are good. I don’t like the inzer as much.
APT is the best IMO, anything from them, but do not order direct right now they have some issues.
If you can find convicts, then get some. If not, THP is the way to go.
Blue mambas are stretchier and easy to wrap, and if you jack them, then they will take skin off your leg and be stronger than convicts IMO… but I prefer convicts.