Anterior Pelvic Tilt Problem

Hello guys , i am 20 years old , and i was working out when i was 17 for around 1 year.Now its been 2 weeks since i started working out again after 1 and a half year pause.I noticed that my hamstrings feel very tight and my lower back sometimes as well.I googled and it showed up that it was anterior pelvic tilt , what i would like to know is if that is my problem and if it can be fixed by myself or should i see a doctor.If i can do it by myself what are the ways and how long time does it take ?
All the answers are very much appreciated.
I am fully relaxed in all the pictures.

Try this:

Foam Roll:
As much pressure as tolerable 30s on tender/tight areas
Hip Flexors, TFL

Hip Flexors, Quads
2x 30s each

Side Lying Leg Abductions 2x 12 each leg

Glute Bridge (BW) 2x12
Overhead Squat (BW) 2x 6

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Hi Edmond.

Yes, you can fix it yourself. This posture is a VERY common problem.

Lots of good youtube videos on how to correct it.
How to fix Anterior Pelvic Tilt
How to fix Lordosis
Also, it’s frequently seen along with Forward Head Posture

Along with what @Iceman44 said…

You need to retrain your brain to “know” what standing up straight feels like. As you look at yourself in a mirror from the side, you’ll feel like you’re tucking your tailbone - just to get neutral. Practice this until it begins to feel natural. It will take a few months, and you may always need to be aware.

Constantly correct it so you’re stacking your spine.

NOTE: The OHP tends to make people who have some anterior pelvic tilt want to stick their butt out to balance the BB overhead. No bueno.

Also, be REALLY aware of tightening your core/ abs are active and tight when you Squat and DL so you’re not putting your lumbar spine in a bad position.

Strengthen your opposing muscles - Abdominals.

There are MANY good videos for how to rehab this, but this is a nice one specifically for lifters. Alan Thrall’s channel is a favorite.

Best of luck!



I’ll leave this here as well, since you mentioned tight hams. He gets into that, and why what @Iceman44 said about tight hip flexors is more likely your problem.

The guy who does this channel is a PT who lifts, and he’s very good. He has several videos about posture. Also, since you’re a young lifter, I highly recommend looking at some of his shoulder videos - how to to prevent shoulder injury, and especially the one called Rotator Cuff Killer.

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Hey , thanks a lot for the tip,i’ll give it try , any idea how long it might take before i start seeing results ?

Hey @anon71262119 Thank you for all the tips , very much appreciated , the first video seems to describe well on what i should be doing.Thank you very much for sharing your information with me.

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Honestly mate, you’ll feel results after the first time through that program. You might not see the results but you’ll feel less pressure off your lower back and hams and your glutes and abs will probably get better contractions through movements. Let me know if you have any more questions

Hey guys, first time posting/replying on here

I work as a Physio and see this a lot. The common areas have already been mentioned (lumbar extensors, tight hammies, long weak abs, long weak glutes), however what is commonly missed is tight lats.

Think about it…we dont spend enough time with our arms in full flexion (above our head) and full external rotation. Our western style living allows us keep our arms by our side or at most 100 degrees of flexion throughout our entire day. Because of this the lats get tight.

The function of the lat is to pull the arm down and rotate inwards. The lats originate in the lumbar spine and attach to the anterior shoulder. So picture it like a bow string. When its tight it will pull the two ends closer together - this causes rounded shoudlers and an over extended lumbar spine (Anterior pelvic tilt). Quick test: Stand with feet together, raise both arms infront of you and above your head, watch if the lumbar spine extends and if the rib cage lifts. If so, you could have a tight lat issue.

So the fix…stretch the lats. Most effective way is to go into a full squat position with your arms above your head holding onto a lat pull down attachment with a supinated grip - must be a supinated grip otherwise the elbows will falir out and you will lose the stretch on the lats. If you feel a shoudler pinch take the hands wider and progressively bring closer together as you get better over time. This stretch places the lumbar spine into flexion and the shoulders into flexion and external rotation.

Fun fact…this stretch will improve your squatting and pull downs. Weights will go up as you are now working with greater functional range. Give it a try and let me know how you go!


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