I HOPE MY POST BELOW WILL HELP SOME PEOPLE. If you have an anterior pelvic tilt, get rid of it, you guys!!! So here it is:
I am a very, very happy guy right now. I am 21 years old right now. I have been experiencing a whole BUNCH of continually worsening HEALTH PROBLEMS since I was 13, which have had doctors scratching their heads. I have definitely lacked the proper guidance from health professionals, and having been a guy in my teens, I did not know what to do!
I will not go into all of the details but trust me it is BAD and it ruined many aspects of my life, no exaggerations there. I would like to just skip over the details for now; if you are interested you can message me. My health problems reached a climax last month when I had so much pain in my right shoulder that I could barely crawl into bed.
I just figured out my diagnosis last week. It is simple: I have an extreme case of an anterior pelvic tilt and short/tight pelvic floor muscles. There was period of time when I thought that opening up my tight hips would fix me. What I have realized now is that I can not really get at my hips if my pelvis is not healthy and aligned properly.
I have known for years that I have an anterior pelvic tilt, but I just saw it as one of the many health problems I was experiencing. I did not realize how devastating an anterior pelvic tilt could be to my health and I had NO idea how to fix it.
I have been practicing yoga for a long time, but I have only seen a little bit of an improvement in my healthy. The only poses I learned which dealt directly with this problem were bridge pose and wheel pose, and because they were too advanced for me, I did not get any benefit: just a strain in the lower back. I have also been doing tons of stretching, mobility drills, and myofascial release. Again, everything has helped, but not by that much.
I have been doing research on the internet for a long time now, because I really want to get healthy. Given some helpful vids as well as my experience from working with my body I believe I now know how to fix my anterior pelvic tilt. (It is going to be a lot of work, but at least I now know what direction I need to head towards…)
1)A regular yoga practice WITH my tailbone tucked and pelvis thrusted forward. This actually makes a huge difference.
2)Cheers to Ben Bruno! Split-Stance RDLs to activate my glutes: Split Stance RDL - YouTube
3)Cheers to KStar! Hip-flossing: New hip flossing tweaks for anterior chain muscle stiffness | Feat. Kelly Starrett | MobilityWOD - YouTube
4)Highly modified glute bridges, for highly tight muscles (I put a yoga block on the medium height side under each of my hands, could even use the tall side, to get a good juicy opening feeling) I may try this will a plate at some point: Effective Rectus Femoris Stretch - Fix tight Quads - Fix Anterior Pelvic Tilt - YouTube
If the above doesn’t work I’ll see a physical therapist…
Cheers to Naudi Aguilar! I did not find the exercises in the following video helpful but it was instrumental to my realization that my anterior pelvic tilt was ruining my life: - YouTube
Really thankful for tnation too…it helped me get to this point of realization. I think a huge roadblock to my realization here was that I had a yoga teacher for a few months who was always super cautious that we would not thrust our hips forward TOO much so as to create ugly disalignment. I realize now that I probably do not even have the ability to create a posterior pelvic tilt condition, so I have decided to worry less about it. Another thing that she always told us was that it is not good to squeeze the glutes…
Is it a GOOD thing or a BAD thing to squeeze my glutes when I thrust forward in glute bridges and in RDLS?
Should I worried about overthrusting–is that a thing, and if it is, what does it look like? My guess is that given my anterior pelvic tilt, I do not even have the capacity to overthrust, but I would still like to ask this question just to be sure…
By the way, if someone replies to the post suggesting I use a foam roller I will throw up. THAT SHIT DONT WORK YO (at least for me)…if you are tight like me then you might want to consider replacing your foam roller with an abs pipe and lacrosse ball. I have used a wine bottle before as well…